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Enable Hit Counters for 3rd Party Installs Post 1.25
Closed, DuplicatePublic


As a third-party user of MediaWiki, the removal of hit counters provides difficulty for myself and users. While not as accurate as other analytics packages, the count can be used to provide users with a list of 'popular pages'. This functionally is useful and should remain available in future MediaWiki releases, perhaps via an extension.

In my particular instance we use the count to provide a list of popular page on the Main_Page of our internal wiki. Removing this in 1.25 will render this list impossible to provide.

This also impacts the users of the following extensions. All of which have been relatively active in their development.

Event Timeline

Ckoerner raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Ckoerner updated the task description. (Show Details)
Ckoerner updated the task description. (Show Details)
Ckoerner set Security to None.
Ckoerner subscribed.

See T381 for the reasons.

Hit counters were "removed" but you request "enabling" them in this task's summary. I don't understand how to enable something that does not exist...
Can you please clarify what the actual request is here? Is this simply a duplicate of bug T74420?

See T381 for the reasons.

Hit counters were "removed" but you request "enabling" them in this task's summary. I don't understand how to enable something that does not exist...
Can you please clarify what the actual request is here? Is this simply a duplicate of bug T74420?

Yeah, I think it is a dupe of T74420

Yes, my apologies, this is a duplicate. Boy do I miss the suggested search in bugzilla. :)

How can I merge/delete this?