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Fix LVS "sh" shortcomings
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The LVS^WIPVS' "sh" (source hash) scheduler which we use for traffic to 443, currently has several shortcomings, among them the lack of a consistent hash ring and a limitation of sum(weight) == 256 (adjustable via build-time kernel option). We should fix these shortcomings and push them upstream.

Event Timeline

faidon raised the priority of this task from to Low.
faidon updated the task description. (Show Details)
faidon added a project: ops-core.
faidon added subscribers: Aklapper, faidon, mark.

FWIW: An alternative sh implementation that I've written for an old kernel and fixes some of these issues (a looong time ago), lives here.

faidon added a subscriber: BBlack. is available as a backport, or will be in 4.18 upstream releases.

In T86651#973435, @mark wrote:

FWIW: An alternative sh implementation that I've written for an old kernel and fixes some of these issues (a looong time ago), lives here.

Updated link: