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"VIew in browser" link in download panel overflows
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In the download panel, only the image and the text("View in browser") should be clickable. Instead, the white portion in front of it is also clickable.

Event Timeline

Namit raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Namit updated the task description. (Show Details)
Namit added a project: MediaViewer.
Namit subscribed.
Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
gerritbot subscribed.

Change 187371 had a related patch set uploaded (by Namit):
"View in browser" link limited to the text


Change 187371 merged by jenkins-bot:
"View in browser" link limited to the text

Gilles triaged this task as Medium priority.Jan 29 2015, 6:39 PM
Gilles moved this task from Untriaged to Ready for testing on the Multimedia board.
Gilles subscribed.