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Move Gerrit reports crontabs to Tools
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So we have and The reports should probably live on Wikimedia Tool Labs and not on my local computer. However, I'm not sure Gerrit is sticking around. And even if Gerrit is staying, I'm not sure the reports are very valuable. Input welcome on what to do here. I have very little interest in maintaining these reports.

Relevant crontab entries:

0 0 * * * python $HOME/Documents/Git/gerrit-reports/database/
10 1 * * * python $HOME/Documents/Git/gerrit-reports/reports/
15 1 * * * python $HOME/Documents/Git/gerrit-reports/reports/
20 1 * * * python $HOME/Documents/Git/gerrit-reports/reports/
25 1 * * * python $HOME/Documents/Git/gerrit-reports/reports/
30 1 * * * python $HOME/Documents/Git/gerrit-reports/reports/
45 1 * * * python $HOME/Documents/Git/gerrit-reports/reports/

Event Timeline

MZMcBride assigned this task to Nemo_bis.
MZMcBride raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
MZMcBride updated the task description. (Show Details)
MZMcBride added a project: Gerrit.
MZMcBride subscribed.

(Related to "tech community metrics" territory, hence also adding that project)

Qgil triaged this task as Medium priority.Feb 3 2015, 9:54 AM
Qgil added a project: ECT-March-2015.
Qgil subscribed.

I think some data provided by these reports is very useful, and I'm thankful that @MZMcBride opened the way creating them some time ago. Nowadays this type of data should be featured by We need to decide which data is really useful, and bring it to korma.

This month we are already working on some Gerrit metrics (T59038, T86152), and this task looks like a logical continuation. I will mark it tentatively for ECT-March-2015.

MZ, as you assigned this to me... I have created a gerrit-reports tool and cloned the code there; at your convenience, for maximum smoothness, please add the config and crontabs there and give me push rights on

Nemo_bis renamed this task from Figure out what to do with Gerrit reports to Move Gerrit reports crontabs to Tools.Feb 3 2015, 11:51 AM
Nemo_bis edited projects, added Tools; removed ECT-March-2015,, Gerrit.
Nemo_bis set Security to None.

MZ, as you assigned this to me... I have created a gerrit-reports tool and cloned the code there; at your convenience, for maximum smoothness, please add the config and crontabs there and give me push rights on

Eh... I just looked at and it says "nemobis" is a collaborator with full access to the repository. :-)

I pasted the relevant crontab entries above and it looks like I was smart enough to remember to create

I also merged your latest report (thanks!), but the mix of using os.system() in the report and idea of needing to re-download a dump file daily made me very hesitant to set it up locally.

Oh, sorry, I'm still waking up. The configuration portion is probably what's actually needed of me, at least to continue using the same bot account. I'll take a look.

Oh, sorry, I'm still waking up. The configuration portion is probably what's actually needed of me, at least to continue using the same bot account. I'll take a look.

Okay, I just created and updated /data/project/gerrit-reports/.gerrit-reports.ini on under the account tools.gerrit-reports. Thanks for setting up the project!

I think the only remaining piece here is to set up the crontab.

I think the only remaining piece here is to set up the crontab.

Thanks! have you already disabled yours?

Well, crontabs added.

Thanks for taking care of this! As briefly discussed on IRC, I've now disabled my local cron jobs. \o/