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Allow template parameters to be rearranged and field names to be changed
Closed, DuplicatePublic


At the moment VE only allows parameters to be added and deleted. Rearranging parameters is sometimes needed to place them in a more logical order (title before content). Editing the field names without having to delete and then re-add is also a must.

Event Timeline

Negative24 raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Negative24 updated the task description. (Show Details)
Negative24 subscribed.
Aklapper triaged this task as Lowest priority.Feb 15 2015, 9:18 PM

This is already possible with TemplateData editor; the order is dictated by the paramOrder array field, and can be edited in the editor. The name of the parameters can also be edited in the editor, and changes when the user applies.

This can be done per template when the templatedata (which is already required for information about fields in VE) is edited.