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Wikibugs should report the Priority if it is set during task creation
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When I create a new task, if I set the priority to "Unbreak now", then I want that to be included in the IRC message.

Event Timeline

Quiddity raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Quiddity updated the task description. (Show Details)
Quiddity added a project: Wikibugs.
Quiddity subscribed.
valhallasw triaged this task as Medium priority.Mar 22 2015, 8:09 PM
valhallasw subscribed.

This should be possible, but I'm not immediately sure how. The information normally comes from the 'transaction' object, but the transaction does not specify the status on creation -- so we'd need to get it from the 'task' object instead. This should be doable, but phabricator's API is a bit of a mess, so it'll require some puzzling.

I had a theory about how we could get this data, so I created T357842: Testing data needed for T91202 and it turns out that the status transition was already in the irc output:

[00:47]  < wikibugs> Wikibugs: Testing data needed for T91202 - (bd808) p:Triage→Unbreak!