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Hiera-ize all service installation directories
Closed, ResolvedPublic


A first step toward moving services into standard directories is to move class variables concerning these directories into Hiera.

Event Timeline

dduvall claimed this task.
dduvall raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
dduvall updated the task description. (Show Details)
dduvall added subscribers: mobrovac, ori, dduvall and 5 others.

Also, related, I think we should make the log dir location a fact. There are currently a lot of lines in hiera saying /vagrant/logs/ when instead they should all point to the same fact.

Change 195800 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dduvall):
Define all service installation directories as facts

There are still loads of variables that need refactoring, including those for files/directories under /vagrant/logs, but I didn't want to bloat this commit as it's pretty substantial already. I'll create an additional task for addressing references to /vagrant and friends.

Change 195800 merged by jenkins-bot:
Define all service installation directories as facts