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[Story] On all items about living people, the first suggestions are often "date of death" and "place of death"
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while statistically, these might be reasonable suggestions for an item about a person, this really doesn't seem appropriate to me.

I am not sure of a simple solution short of blacklisting, which we probably don't want for all items.

this is on Obama's item, for example, when adding a new property:

pasted_file (597×1 px, 71 KB)

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btw, the yellow background is just my user css so I know when I am logged in with my non-staff account (and not on my development wiki).

It could be. But place of death should show up when death date exists, vice versa.

aude renamed this task from On all items about living people, the first suggestions are often "date of death" and "place of death" to [Story] On all items about living people, the first suggestions are often "date of death" and "place of death".Sep 10 2015, 10:48 AM
aude set Security to None.

A few items (such as Q76) might be so complete that the only new statement that could reasonably be added is P570.

I also mentioned this behavior and always find it really strange when getting such suggestions.