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Jessie puppet self instance has puppet erroring out ( Could not find dependency File[/etc/ldap/ldap.conf] )
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I have created a Jessie instance on labs integration-slave-jessie-1001, the project has hiera data to set it to use puppetmaster::self to integration-puppetmaster.eqiad.wmflabs. The later has an up to date copy of operations/puppet.git

Running puppet on integration-slave-jessie-1001 yields:

Error: Failed to apply catalog:
Could not find dependency File[/etc/ldap/ldap.conf] for Class[Puppet::Self::Config]
at /etc/puppet/modules/puppet/manifests/self/client.pp:21

The instance has a single puppet class applied to it role::ci::slave::labs::common but removing it does change the end result.

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hashar added subscribers: hashar, Aklapper.