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Find new position for Font changer in alpha mode
Closed, ResolvedPublic


(I thought we already have this task, but i couldn't find it?)

After the font changer in alpha mode is useless, because there is no content on Special:MobileMenu where you can change the font size (sure, it will be saved, but you can't see any difference).

So we need to find a new place for the font changer link :)

Event Timeline

Florian raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Florian updated the task description. (Show Details)
Florian added a project: Web-Team-Backlog.
Florian subscribed.

Change 202077 had a related patch set uploaded (by Florianschmidtwelzow):
Disable mobile.fontchanger after it is useful again

Change 202077 merged by jenkins-bot:
Disable mobile.fontchanger after it is useful again

@Florian can you confirm that this is resolved? Thanks!

@JKatzWMF: Not really :) We still need, like KLans_WMF wrote, some design input. My change only disables the fontchanger (because it's useless now). After we have a better position for the fontchanger link (somewhere on the article page), we can reactivate it :)

Change 213288 had a related patch set uploaded (by Florianschmidtwelzow):
Re-enable fontchanger in alpha

Like i wrote in the commit message: The main menu is rendered via JS again, so the font changer can get it's old place :)

Change 213288 merged by jenkins-bot:
Re-enable fontchanger in alpha