Background: Given I am logged into the mobile website And I am using the mobile site And I am in beta mode And I am on my "Special:Gather" page Scenario: Not doing anything does not call api and reload page When I click Edit And I don't do anything And click Done Then I don't have to wait for an ajax call to be done And the overlay closes immediately And the page does not refresh when the overlay is closed Scenario: Clicking done with the same data as it opened does not call api and refresh page When I click Edit And I edit the title and put "FooBar" And I edit the title and restore the initial value it had when the overlay opened And I click Done Then I don't have to wait for an ajax call to be done And the overlay closes immediately And the page does not refresh when the overlay is closed
And same thing for adding/removing an item/s in a way that the list of members is the same as when the overlay opened.