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research internship
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Trello card: zzvJfPWm

  • column: In Progress

Event Timeline

Design Research internships are on hold for now until we better understand budget asks. Also, we were just about to start planning for this before the re org, so now we will have to hold off a bit longer until we are settled in the new context. So, going into freezer for now.

aripstra edited projects, added Design-Research-Backlog; removed Design-Research.
aripstra set Security to None.
aripstra moved this task from Backlog to No resources on the Design-Research-Backlog board.

This is a good idea, but if it happens, requires dedicated budget and co-ordination with Research & Data. Assume that this conversation may be re-animated at some point, but until then, not sure what value there is in keeping this task alive.