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As a user who searched but got no results, I'd like to be able to give feedback to Wikimedia so that they know what I was looking for and why I didn't find it.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Needs design.

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Deskana raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Deskana updated the task description. (Show Details)
Deskana subscribed.

I've put together a version of a survey we can show to our users, you can try it out here:

This is still a work in progress. Would love to hear @Deskana's thoughts. The design is awful, mostly because Qualtrics is awful with design, but I am trying to make it better.

Also, I put together a deck to document my thoughts about user feedback tools, its a survey of our competitors, and how the foundation has done this in the past. Check it out here:

@MSyed Here's some notes:

  • The design of it is better than most surveys I've ever filled in online, which tend to be pretty awful.
  • The generic set of questions that are at the end of every option are nice, and will help us calibrate how people think about our search.
    • I worry that these questions might significantly drop the number of people filling in the survey though, as it is a third screen of questions and we want to keep the flow simple. Perhaps we should test that.
    • The "Tell us more about your experience with Wikipedia" question is a little too unguided. We should be more specific. What are we hoping that users will enter into this box?

On the initial questions:

  • We should explicitly include some kind of "I couldn't find what I was looking for" option in the first screen. It should probably be the top option in that screen!
  • If this is intended to just be for search, "I found a bug" should be "I found a bug in search" to guide users more.

This was done a while back.