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FA, GA, RA are not working for fawikivoyage
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FA, GA, RA are not working for fawikivoyage, example: Q794, see Iran.

Event Timeline

Mjbmr raised the priority of this task from to Unbreak Now!.
Mjbmr updated the task description. (Show Details)
Mjbmr added a project: Wikidata.
Mjbmr subscribed.

looks like it works now. it might be that the page needed to be purged. badges were broken earlier this week but fixed afaik.

looks like it works now. it might be that the page needed to be purged. badges were broken earlier this week but fixed afaik.

Check out the English page, it doesn't show a grey start for Persian page and I've noticed it on 7 March and still the problem exist.

I believe there was indeed an issue, but really think it is fixed now. I see the stars on

I think populateSitesTable script may have been run sometime in the past few days and might have fixed it.

ok, nevermind... is see the issue now

now it works :)

the problem was that the page still had some interwiki links in the wikitext, including for fawikivoyage. badges don't get applied in that case, since the the wikitext link overrides the wikidata one (and might be a link to a different page)

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