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Mar 27 2024

Mistura14 added a comment to T358095: Outreachy Application Task: Tutorial for Wikipedia language-agnostic article quality modeling data.

Please how do we go about recording the contribution and submitting a final application

You can go to project selection page on outreachy --> Find 'Wikimedia closed project #1' --> Record your contribution and apply.
We need to share the link to our notebook as a contribution. The link will be the similar to the link you shared for feedback.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Mar 27 2024, 12:56 PM · Outreachy (Round 28)

Mar 26 2024

Mistura14 added a comment to T358095: Outreachy Application Task: Tutorial for Wikipedia language-agnostic article quality modeling data.

Please how do we go about recording the contribution and submitting a final application

Mar 26 2024, 11:18 AM · Outreachy (Round 28)

Mar 21 2024

Mistura14 added a comment to T358095: Outreachy Application Task: Tutorial for Wikipedia language-agnostic article quality modeling data.

Hello Guys, please i have this error while fetching the API, can you assist

image.png (1×1 px, 199 KB)

It is expected that in some date intervals, depending on the granularity used, the interval may be too tight to return any reasonable data. Therefore you can use a try-and-except block or similar techniques to handle such occurrences, and not terminate the execution.

Mar 21 2024, 1:47 PM · Outreachy (Round 28)
Mistura14 added a comment to T358095: Outreachy Application Task: Tutorial for Wikipedia language-agnostic article quality modeling data.

Hello Guys, please i have this error while fetching the API, can you assist

image.png (1×1 px, 199 KB)

Mar 21 2024, 1:32 PM · Outreachy (Round 28)

Mar 20 2024

Mistura14 added a comment to T358095: Outreachy Application Task: Tutorial for Wikipedia language-agnostic article quality modeling data.

I am getting this in paws jupyter platform and files, notebook page is not opening. Does anyone know how to resolve this?

Screenshot 2024-03-20 020007.png (424×1 px, 16 KB)

Mar 20 2024, 1:18 PM · Outreachy (Round 28)
Mistura14 added a comment to T358095: Outreachy Application Task: Tutorial for Wikipedia language-agnostic article quality modeling data.

Hi, are we allowed to manipulate the data for part 2? If I wanted to display page_lengths with granularity monthly, can I group page_lengths as an average for a given month? For example, a bar chart for page_lengths for 2021 with granularity monthly. X axis would be months and Y axis would be average page lengths for a given month.

Mar 20 2024, 1:11 PM · Outreachy (Round 28)

Mar 18 2024

Mistura14 added a comment to T358095: Outreachy Application Task: Tutorial for Wikipedia language-agnostic article quality modeling data.

Screenshot from 2024-03-18 12-57-49.png (173×432 px, 17 KB)

Please, someone help me. Am getting this error whenever I try to save my changes. What could be the problem? Has anybody encountered the same?

Hi @Jane_Ngethe The error you are seeing is because the the size of your file has increased the server's file size limit.

OK. What can I do?

Mar 18 2024, 1:01 PM · Outreachy (Round 28)

Mar 16 2024

Mistura14 added a comment to T358095: Outreachy Application Task: Tutorial for Wikipedia language-agnostic article quality modeling data.

Do we necessarily need to include the revision timestamps or pageview counts in our visualization?
It's not specified but we accessed the data for the pageview counts and this made me think over it

Mar 16 2024, 8:22 PM · Outreachy (Round 28)

Mar 9 2024

Mistura14 added a comment to T358095: Outreachy Application Task: Tutorial for Wikipedia language-agnostic article quality modeling data.

Message from the project mentors: How will we judge applicants?

It's common for folks to ask us how to make a strong application for this project. The task is open-ended so there is no one "right" answer, but we'll try to give you a bit more guidance. The final notebook (created for the microtask) is our primary means of judging each applicant. For the notebook, we will evaluate it along a few criteria:

  • Quality of code: are there bugs? is your code well-structured, commented, and easy to understand?
  • Quality of notebook: is the notebook well-structured and easy to follow?
  • Creativity: did you try different approaches? did you come up with interesting ideas for future analyses?
  • Iteration: if you receive feedback, were you able to incorporate those changes?
NOTE: because we will likely only provide one round of feedback for each applicant, we recommend submitting the notebook when you are fairly confident it is a complete state. As noted above, you are not evaluated on the quality of your initial notebook but rather how you adapt to the feedback so it's okay to have mistakes, etc., in your notebook in the initial review and you will not be penalized for that.
Mar 9 2024, 1:34 AM · Outreachy (Round 28)
Mistura14 added a comment to T358095: Outreachy Application Task: Tutorial for Wikipedia language-agnostic article quality modeling data.

@MahimaSinghal Thanks for sharing the Notebook file. It realy helped.

Mar 9 2024, 1:25 AM · Outreachy (Round 28)