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Apr 1 2024

Bilal171 added a comment to T358095: Outreachy Application Task: Tutorial for Wikipedia language-agnostic article quality modeling data.

when I make an graph between days of specific month. all boxplots are same? I checked manually that all days have same median . so it is right or not? or is Am I doing something wrong here.

Screenshot (210).png (472×801 px, 35 KB)

Apr 1 2024, 6:48 PM · Outreachy (Round 28)

Mar 11 2024

Bilal171 added a comment to T358095: Outreachy Application Task: Tutorial for Wikipedia language-agnostic article quality modeling data.

Should I focus solely on acquiring data for Albedo and Agriculture, or should I also consider using other page titles for data extraction? Additionally, I'm unsure about the frequency of data extraction—whether it should be hourly, monthly, or daily. Clarifying these aspects in task 1 of the microtask will help me progress comfortably to task 2. Your guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Mar 11 2024, 5:46 AM · Outreachy (Round 28)