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Mar 21 2024

BruceMahagwa added a comment to T358095: Outreachy Application Task: Tutorial for Wikipedia language-agnostic article quality modeling data.

While using the mviews.api for getting the page views, I'm getting error while fetching the data for some dates. Can you please mention the exact year from which the page views data are provided?

Mar 21 2024, 6:37 AM · Outreachy (Round 28)

Mar 18 2024

BruceMahagwa added a comment to T358095: Outreachy Application Task: Tutorial for Wikipedia language-agnostic article quality modeling data.

image.png (1×1 px, 441 KB)
Please someone should assist me. This is the error I am getting whlie uploading my url, what am I not getting right?

Mar 18 2024, 7:17 AM · Outreachy (Round 28)

Mar 15 2024

BruceMahagwa added a comment to T358095: Outreachy Application Task: Tutorial for Wikipedia language-agnostic article quality modeling data.

@MahimaSinghal Can you please help me with how page views API is being used for this task?

Hi @Mitumoni_kalita ,Yeah Sure. I am more than willing to help.
PageViews API will be used in the very first TODO of this microtask. Where you have to use the API to gather pageviews count in the time period each revision was made.
You can refer to the documentation of the API here : mwviews documentation:

image.png (396×1 px, 134 KB)

The above image is of the sample example given in the Notebook on how can we use the API.

The function "article_views" under PageviewsClient class already have used the pageviews count API and did all the implementation right to show pageview count of any article in the time period each revision was made ; so I didn't understand what actually we need to do under this TODO of the Microtask ? @MahimaSinghal

Mar 15 2024, 11:09 AM · Outreachy (Round 28)

Mar 13 2024

BruceMahagwa added a comment to T358095: Outreachy Application Task: Tutorial for Wikipedia language-agnostic article quality modeling data.

Can anyone please help me with this error

image.png (712×1 px, 88 KB)

Mar 13 2024, 6:23 AM · Outreachy (Round 28)