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Aug 9 2017

Terfili added a comment to T169436: Decide best fallback(s) for Romansh language (rm).

Illario, even if these two accounts have been inactive for quite some time (but some people do still follow discussions or their watch lists, even if they never edit), they are both native Romansh speakers who have an insight about the needs of other native speakers. For instance, even if Capricorn4049 has not been active for a while, he is a native Romansh speaker from the Surmiran region who probably knows better than you or me what other Romansh speakers might want or find useful.

Aug 9 2017, 2:33 PM · MW-1.41-notes (1.41.0-wmf.27; 2023-09-19), MediaWiki-Internationalization, I18n
Restricted Application added a project to T169436: Decide best fallback(s) for Romansh language (rm): User-MarcoAurelio.

Just an update, after one month of voting (, a majority is in favor of German over English or Italian. Sadly, participation was not very high, but most of the users who participated concurred with user Capricorn4049, who commented that "every Romansh also understands German. On the Rumantsch radio and television as well they translate it when for example someone in an interview speaks English or Italian, but not if someone speaks German." (my translation).

Aug 9 2017, 1:04 PM · MW-1.41-notes (1.41.0-wmf.27; 2023-09-19), MediaWiki-Internationalization, I18n

Jul 6 2017

Terfili added a comment to T169436: Decide best fallback(s) for Romansh language (rm).

That many Romansh speakers don’t want to contribute in Rumantsch Grischun (or simply don’t know how to write RG anyway) is true, but like Pakeha pointed out, there is no rule that articles need to be written in RG, and there is a system for allowing even for versions of the same article in different varieties. For a while the main page even had a version in RG and each regional idiom, but then it was redesigned and we couldn’t find people to proofread all the new versions, so now it is back to being only in RG. If people started contributing more in the regional idioms, nobody would change their contributions to RG or delete them. On the contrary, I think everyone would be delighted.

Jul 6 2017, 10:54 AM · MW-1.41-notes (1.41.0-wmf.27; 2023-09-19), MediaWiki-Internationalization, I18n

Jul 2 2017

Terfili added a comment to T169436: Decide best fallback(s) for Romansh language (rm).

Joining the discussion in the phabricator here might be a bit difficult for some people; people have to create an account, wait to get verified, verify their e-mail...some Romansh users might just give up.

Jul 2 2017, 2:32 PM · MW-1.41-notes (1.41.0-wmf.27; 2023-09-19), MediaWiki-Internationalization, I18n
Terfili added a comment to T169436: Decide best fallback(s) for Romansh language (rm).

I think having a vote on the Romansh Wikipedia community portal, the "Pinta" would be easier for the Romansh editors to participate in. Would that work too?

Jul 2 2017, 1:58 PM · MW-1.41-notes (1.41.0-wmf.27; 2023-09-19), MediaWiki-Internationalization, I18n
Terfili added a comment to T169436: Decide best fallback(s) for Romansh language (rm).

I am not interested in identitary politics but in what is most practical. And from a practical standpoint, every single Romansh Wikipedia reader, 100% of them, will be perfectly fluent in German. Less than 100% will understand Italian or English, and even those who do, will not speak it as well as they do German. That is simply the sociolinguistic reality.

Jul 2 2017, 11:19 AM · MW-1.41-notes (1.41.0-wmf.27; 2023-09-19), MediaWiki-Internationalization, I18n
Terfili added a comment to T169436: Decide best fallback(s) for Romansh language (rm).

I also just looked up the data of the last Swiss census of 2000:

Jul 2 2017, 7:44 AM · MW-1.41-notes (1.41.0-wmf.27; 2023-09-19), MediaWiki-Internationalization, I18n
Terfili added a comment to T169436: Decide best fallback(s) for Romansh language (rm).

Thanks to MarcoAurelio for posting about this threat on the rm.wikipedia “Pinta”.

Jul 2 2017, 7:36 AM · MW-1.41-notes (1.41.0-wmf.27; 2023-09-19), MediaWiki-Internationalization, I18n