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Badaa (Badral)


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Jan 24 2018, 10:53 AM (335 w, 1 d)
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Badaa [ Global Accounts ]

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Feb 2 2019

Badaa updated subscribers of T137810: [Task] Add monolingual language code mn-Mong.

@C933103 Because he said me "shame".

I am pretty sure you have misunderstood the English phrase being used. Please check the following link:

Feb 2 2019, 3:58 AM · Language codes, Wikidata-Sprint-2016-09-21, MediaWiki-extensions-WikibaseRepository, Wikidata

Jan 27 2019

Badaa added a comment to T137810: [Task] Add monolingual language code mn-Mong.

@Badaa So if you have questions other than "request to cancel a macrolanguage status" which is defined as no-go by SIL staffs, list them, then @GerardM will investigate them.

If your question only has that no-go, then let's decline this, if you even can't trust what you've got by email, then sadly there's no way more to resolve this.

PS: I don't oppose introducing Classical Mongolian (cmg), I just oppose using mn-mong and the reason is simply per GerardM.

Jan 27 2019, 8:22 AM · Language codes, Wikidata-Sprint-2016-09-21, MediaWiki-extensions-WikibaseRepository, Wikidata

Oct 4 2018

Badaa added a comment to T137810: [Task] Add monolingual language code mn-Mong.

Thanks @C933103 .
The dialects and languages are different terms in ISO standard. In every language (whatever individual or macro) has multiple dialects. I think dialects are not relevant in this scope.
Buryat and Oirat people can also communicate with Mongolian script or orally (after some hours).
As already mentioned, actual problem is they use different scripts. Technically, it's easier to handle such scripts (Mongolian script, Mongolian cyrillic, Buryat (cyrillic), Khalmik (cyrillic) etc.) as individual languages. That is probably the reason why Buriat (bua) is defined as individual language.
Defining Mongolian as macro language is non-sense.
Oh my God. Bua is now also macro language. That is too exaggerated! A headache.

Oct 4 2018, 12:03 PM · Language codes, Wikidata-Sprint-2016-09-21, MediaWiki-extensions-WikibaseRepository, Wikidata
Badaa added a comment to T137810: [Task] Add monolingual language code mn-Mong.


however there are only one Classical Mongolian Script just like there are only one Modern Standard Arabic.

Huh? Phags'pa ≠ Mongolian?


Actually, the big misconception is that there doesn't exist many Mongolian languages but many scripts. I won't repeat the likely problem answers again, unless if your both are even concerning this zhwiki list article.

Oct 4 2018, 10:08 AM · Language codes, Wikidata-Sprint-2016-09-21, MediaWiki-extensions-WikibaseRepository, Wikidata

Sep 30 2018

Badaa added a comment to T137810: [Task] Add monolingual language code mn-Mong.

Sorry for late reply,
@Liuxinyu970226 If the concern of ISO639's RA is "users of the codes understand that part 2 of the standard has a code that includes several coded languages in part 3.", then probably what can be done is ask for cancellation of the mvf code and khk code in the ISO639-3?

Yes. Vote +1!

Sep 30 2018, 5:28 PM · Language codes, Wikidata-Sprint-2016-09-21, MediaWiki-extensions-WikibaseRepository, Wikidata

Mar 1 2018

Badaa added a comment to T137810: [Task] Add monolingual language code mn-Mong.

I read.
I didn't request to copy paste those comments.
I just tried to answer following questions of you but I had no idea.

Mar 1 2018, 8:23 AM · Language codes, Wikidata-Sprint-2016-09-21, MediaWiki-extensions-WikibaseRepository, Wikidata

Feb 27 2018

Badaa added a comment to T137810: [Task] Add monolingual language code mn-Mong.

I have nothing to say... What should we or can we do now???

Feb 27 2018, 9:46 AM · Language codes, Wikidata-Sprint-2016-09-21, MediaWiki-extensions-WikibaseRepository, Wikidata

Jan 24 2018

Badaa added a comment to T137810: [Task] Add monolingual language code mn-Mong.

Thanks Gerard M.
I just read the Terms and definitions of ISO 639-3.
There are following sentences in paragraph 4.2.2 Individual languages:

Jan 24 2018, 8:31 PM · Language codes, Wikidata-Sprint-2016-09-21, MediaWiki-extensions-WikibaseRepository, Wikidata
Badaa added a comment to T137810: [Task] Add monolingual language code mn-Mong.

I am from Mongolia.
What are the definitions of a macro language and a language?
If a language is a (mainly spoken) system to communicate among people then Mongolian is not macro language. Because, I can communicate without any problems with mongolian people in Inner Mongolia (now in China) and the Mongolians in Buriat (now in Russia) even easier than the communication among Germans in Bayern, in NRW or in Berlin.
If a language is a superordinate concept of scripts then Mongolian language has some totally different scripts like traditional (vertical Mongolian), Khalkh (Cyrillic), Buriat (Cyrillic), Halimag (known also as Kalmyk, Cyrillic and Latin) etc.
In Mongolia, the official script is Cyrillic since 1947 and tried to revert to Mongolian script. Everyone in Mongolia learns at school both scripts Mongolian script and Cyrillic since 1980 until now. "Mongolian Language law" has been adopted and is effective since July 1st of 2015. In this law, Mongolian script will be introduced in stages and state and local government is to conduct their correspondence in both Cyrillic and Mongolian script. This provision is to be effective starting January 1st of 2025.
In my opinion to disjoint too much is wrong way and exaggerated. The Mongolian is not macro language and could be very well handled like German. (de - German, de-AT - Austria, de-CH Switzerland)
mn (ᠮᠣᠩᠭᠣᠯ Mongolian vertical)
mn-MN (Монгол Cyrillic)
mn-CN (ᠮᠣᠩᠭᠣᠯ Mongolian vertical)
mn-RU (Буриад Cyrillic) etc.
If scripts play in main role then Mongolian is a macro language and it should be handled as mn-Mong, mn-Cyrl etc.
But before we to discuss further, we need to clarify and isolate what is a language and what is a script.

Jan 24 2018, 12:17 PM · Language codes, Wikidata-Sprint-2016-09-21, MediaWiki-extensions-WikibaseRepository, Wikidata