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User Details

User Since
Oct 2 2023, 10:38 PM (38 w, 2 d)
MediaWiki User
ChinexBoroja [ Global Accounts ]

Recent Activity

Oct 23 2023

ChinexBoroja added a comment to T346374: Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Survey.

Hello @Mraish ,
Thank you so much for always keeping us updated, it means a lot and we are grateful!

Please, I would love to know your thoughts regarding our final submission, as we only have 7 days left to submit our final application to the project, and they are all long easy questions. Thank you once again!

Hi All, due to the volume of contributions, it might be difficult (almost near impossible) to share 1:1 responses on submissions. However, i think you'd get an update from Outreachy after the submission deadline. I suggest you go ahead and work on your final application (please include all relevant information). All the best!

Oct 23 2023, 8:48 AM · Design-Research, Outreach-Programs-Projects, Outreachy (Round 27)

Oct 22 2023

ChinexBoroja added a comment to T346374: Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Survey.

Thank you for the update @MRaishWMF

Oct 22 2023, 10:37 AM · Design-Research, Outreach-Programs-Projects, Outreachy (Round 27)

Oct 16 2023

ChinexBoroja added a comment to T346374: Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Survey.

Hi everyone, how can one know if the Microtask has been reviewed by the mentor?

Oct 16 2023, 9:00 AM · Design-Research, Outreach-Programs-Projects, Outreachy (Round 27)

Oct 12 2023

ChinexBoroja added a comment to T346374: Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Survey.
In T346374#9246025, @59 wrote:

@Maryann-Onyinye can we continue editing our tasks after we sent the google doc link, or the shared task are already reviewed?

this question is valid

From the project description, all submissions are due by the end of this week (October 14th), feel free to edit your responses up until the deadline. Also check your document history to see if any review has been done. That should help!

Oct 12 2023, 6:10 PM · Design-Research, Outreach-Programs-Projects, Outreachy (Round 27)

Oct 4 2023

ChinexBoroja added a comment to T346374: Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Survey.

Please read the red box at the top before adding comments.

Please move general talk (welcoming people etc) to Zulip instead!

Thanks a lot!

Please which red button

Oct 4 2023, 4:48 PM · Design-Research, Outreach-Programs-Projects, Outreachy (Round 27)
ChinexBoroja added a comment to T346374: Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Survey.

Hello Everyone,
I am Nafeesat, an associate data analyst from Nigeria. I am looking forward to improving my skills through active contribution to the wiki project.
Hoping to collaborate with other team members.

Oct 4 2023, 8:47 AM · Design-Research, Outreach-Programs-Projects, Outreachy (Round 27)
ChinexBoroja added a comment to T346374: Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Survey.

Good morning @TEJU87 @Preshy54, it will be an absolute pleasure collaborating with you and everyone.

Oct 4 2023, 8:46 AM · Design-Research, Outreach-Programs-Projects, Outreachy (Round 27)
ChinexBoroja added a comment to T346374: Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Survey.

How can I find a task to start my contribution

The microtask instruction is at the top of this page


how do I start I have seen the microtask.

You can use Google Docs for your task, then copy the link and paste it in the comment box here so that it can be easily accessed/assessed.

Thank you @Teju

@Teju, how do I submit my microtask

Oct 4 2023, 1:52 AM · Design-Research, Outreach-Programs-Projects, Outreachy (Round 27)

Oct 3 2023

ChinexBoroja added a comment to T346374: Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Survey.

Hi everyone
Just a side note, please endeavor to make your Google Docs links accessible (Try to remove the restrictions, so that the links can be viewable by the mentors).

Oct 3 2023, 11:15 PM · Design-Research, Outreach-Programs-Projects, Outreachy (Round 27)
ChinexBoroja added a comment to T346374: Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Survey.

You are welcome @Dianaanthonyu and @Techietwinmum

Oct 3 2023, 9:39 PM · Design-Research, Outreach-Programs-Projects, Outreachy (Round 27)
ChinexBoroja added a comment to T346374: Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Survey.

Hi everyone; I just had a question about the contribution process. Per the email I received, we are required to "...pick a project and contact the mentor." At what point do we "contact the mentor?" Before or after we link our Google docs here, or does this requirement not apply at this stage/to this project? Thank you!

Oct 3 2023, 7:29 PM · Design-Research, Outreach-Programs-Projects, Outreachy (Round 27)
ChinexBoroja added a comment to T346374: Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Survey.

Hi mentors, this is the Google Doc link to my Microtask : Microtask Submission

Oct 3 2023, 5:19 PM · Design-Research, Outreach-Programs-Projects, Outreachy (Round 27)
ChinexBoroja added a comment to T346374: Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Survey.

@RukayatIssa pls i can find the icon to upload the microtask

please check the area I eclipsed

upload.png (337×954 px, 12 KB)

Oct 3 2023, 2:24 PM · Design-Research, Outreach-Programs-Projects, Outreachy (Round 27)
ChinexBoroja added a comment to T346374: Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Survey.

Please how do one go about the Microtask? Where can I find it pls?
Thank you

Hi, the microtasks are mentioned above. You have to pick a survey that you want to work on and answer the questions mentioned on the microtask about your survey

Links to easy and self-contained tasks on Phabricator that students could work on to get familiar with the project. GSoC / Outreachy candidates are required to complete microtasks during the application period to prove their ability to work on a three month long project.

These microtasks will require the applicant to pay attention to examples of surveys they encounter in the course of their normal online activities, and to pick one or more of them to think about in detail.

Survey thinking: find an example of a survey you’ve recently come across (any topic):
What kinds of information is this survey trying to access? Try to identify as many specific kinds of information as possible.
Survey thinking: Choose one or two questions that you think work really well
Why do they work well?
What kind of information are these questions trying to access?
Can you think of different ways to ask these questions? How does changing the wording change the way the questions work?
Survey thinking: Choose one or two questions that you think don’t work well
What kind of information is the question trying to access?
Why isn’t it as effective as it could be?
Try to come up with a few alternative ways this question could be phrased. How does changing the wording change the way the questions work?
Please share the results of these microtasks here in this ticket in the form of a Google doc.

Hi @FasikaAdugna, thank you. For further clarification, that means I can pick any survey I find on the net, and then answer questions? Also, how can I become an assignee of a task? Sorry, I am just trying to get along

Yes, you can pick any survey and answer the questions. You don't need to be assigned the tasks are open to everyone. You work on your survey on Google Docs and share the link here.

Oct 3 2023, 9:05 AM · Design-Research, Outreach-Programs-Projects, Outreachy (Round 27)
ChinexBoroja added a comment to T346374: Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Survey.

Please how do one go about the Microtask? Where can I find it pls?
Thank you

Hi, the microtasks are mentioned above. You have to pick a survey that you want to work on and answer the questions mentioned on the microtask about your survey

Links to easy and self-contained tasks on Phabricator that students could work on to get familiar with the project. GSoC / Outreachy candidates are required to complete microtasks during the application period to prove their ability to work on a three month long project.

These microtasks will require the applicant to pay attention to examples of surveys they encounter in the course of their normal online activities, and to pick one or more of them to think about in detail.

Survey thinking: find an example of a survey you’ve recently come across (any topic):
What kinds of information is this survey trying to access? Try to identify as many specific kinds of information as possible.
Survey thinking: Choose one or two questions that you think work really well
Why do they work well?
What kind of information are these questions trying to access?
Can you think of different ways to ask these questions? How does changing the wording change the way the questions work?
Survey thinking: Choose one or two questions that you think don’t work well
What kind of information is the question trying to access?
Why isn’t it as effective as it could be?
Try to come up with a few alternative ways this question could be phrased. How does changing the wording change the way the questions work?
Please share the results of these microtasks here in this ticket in the form of a Google doc.

Oct 3 2023, 8:42 AM · Design-Research, Outreach-Programs-Projects, Outreachy (Round 27)
ChinexBoroja added a comment to T346374: Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Survey.

Please how do one go about the Microtask? Where can I find it pls?
Thank you

Oct 3 2023, 3:55 AM · Design-Research, Outreach-Programs-Projects, Outreachy (Round 27)
ChinexBoroja added a comment to T346374: Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Survey.

Hi everyone,
I am Ihedioha Chinedu from Nigeria, a Java Backend Developer and a Technical Writer. My initial Outreachy application got approved for the Winter period (December 2023 - March 2024). I am excited to be here at WikiMedia, as this is my first time contributing to an Open Source project. I want to work with the team and contribute to the Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Survey

Oct 3 2023, 3:49 AM · Design-Research, Outreach-Programs-Projects, Outreachy (Round 27)