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Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Survey
Open, Needs TriagePublic


October 20 Update

Thank you all for your contributions and for the continuing incredible interest in this project! At this point, I believe that the project is closed on the Outreachy site. If you have completed a microtask for this project, just make sure that I can view it (using my email [no worries if you already sent something to my gmail. But let's try to stick with the address if possible]). If you've shared it with me inside of the Google Docs interface, or left a link here on the task, I will have received an email notification and I will review it.

Unfortunately, due to the volume of submissions, I cannot acknowledge receipt of all microtask submissions—I've gotten too many and I'm the only person handling the applications for the moment. I hope you can understand.

Applicants with a contribution should record them here.

If you would still like to contribute to Outreachy, I encourage you to contribute to the other projects listed here. Unfortunately, this project is currently closed for contributions.

Thank you!


Hi all, I've learned that some of you have been working on your microtask submissions and haven't yet had a chance to submit them. I'm sorry for prematurely closing this task, and I apologize to anyone who felt that they weren't given enough time to finish their work. In that spirit, I ask that any applicants still interested in submitting materials please do so by the end of the current work week; i.e., by Saturday October 14.

As viewers of this task can observe, this project has generated a lot of applicant interest. Thank you for your patience with me during this process.


Hi all, thank you for the incredible interest in this project! We have received a large volume of applications, and we will be reviewing and contacting applicants over the next week. I wish that we had the capacity to host everyone who applied. So, stay tuned if you have shared your microtask with me, and my team will be in contact with selected applicants in the next 7 days. Thank you!

IMPORTANT: Make sure to read the Outreachy participant instructions and communication guidelines thoroughly before commenting on this task. This space is for project-specific questions, so avoid asking questions about getting started, setting up Gerrit, etc. When in doubt, ask your question on Zulip first!

Brief summary

We are looking for an intern who can help us conceive, write, build and administer, and analyze a survey that will help us better understand those who edit and use translation to contribute across different language versions of Wikipedia. The intern will participate in all stages of research, from meeting with stakeholders to decide what questions to ask, all the way through data collection, analysis, and composition of a research report.

Skills required

Design research, research, survey design, project management, knowledge of general language/culture topics, data analysis and presentation

Possible mentor(s)

@MRaishWMF ; Design Research manager Gabriel Escalante

More details


Better understand those who use translation and edit across multiple language versions of Wikipedia. Understand their motivations, goals, and challenges in a way that informs product development to support their efforts.


We expect this project to have direct implications for product teams (including but not limited to the Language and Growth Teams), helping them to better understand the experience of multilingual editors as well as identify product interventions to support their work.


Analysis and shareable report of the survey. We also welcome the opportunity to make space for direct sharing and discussion with relevant Wikimedia Foundation teams.


Links to easy and self-contained tasks on Phabricator that students could work on to get familiar with the project. GSoC / Outreachy candidates are required to complete microtasks during the application period to prove their ability to work on a three month long project.

These microtasks will require the applicant to pay attention to examples of surveys they encounter in the course of their normal online activities, and to pick one or more of them to think about in detail.

  • Survey thinking: find an example of a survey you’ve recently come across (any topic):
    • What kinds of information is this survey trying to access? Try to identify as many specific kinds of information as possible.
  • Survey thinking: Choose one or two questions that you think work really well
    • Why do they work well?
    • What kind of information are these questions trying to access?
    • Can you think of different ways to ask these questions? How does changing the wording change the way the questions work?
  • Survey thinking: Choose one or two questions that you think don’t work well
    • What kind of information is the question trying to access?
    • Why isn’t it as effective as it could be?
    • Try to come up with a few alternative ways this question could be phrased. How does changing the wording change the way the questions work?

Please share the results of these microtasks here in this ticket in the form of a Google doc.

October 4 update

Thank you all for the amazing interest in this project! As stated above, please simply leave a link to your microtask submissions in the form of a response to this task. You can add me via email ( as a viewer/editor/commenter to your document if you'd like to keep the document itself private. Thank you again, and stay tuned for more communication!

Event Timeline

There are a very large number of changes, so older changes are hidden. Show Older Changes

Hello everyone.
I have asked this question twice on Zulip but no response.

When recording our contribution is the date our contribution was accepted or merged the same date we submitted our microtasks to our mentor or is it something else? Also, what are we meant to write in our Outreachy internship project timeline and are we supposed to submit it after submitting our microtasks or do we do wait till October 30th? @MRaishWMF @Maryann-Onyinye @Maryam_Gbemisola @59

Hi @Irene_Anyadu, as for recording contributions, you can put the merge date as the day you submitted your task. We're still waiting for feedback from @Mraish concerning the final application because this might not be the only microtask we'll be required to do (speculation). So I recommend waiting to hear from @Mraish directly either on here or being contacted by the team as mentioned in the description box above.

If anyone else has information concerning this, please put it in this thread!

Okay, thank you very much!

So @Irene_Anyadu. This is what I did . I put the start that as the date I started the Microtasks and merged that as the date the project was due for submission ( Oct 14), I will change it as soon as we get a feedback from @Mraish

Okay thank you. Hopefully we get a response on this from @MRaishWMF @Mraish

In T346374#9251350, @59 wrote:
In T346374#9246025, @59 wrote:

@Maryann-Onyinye can we continue editing our tasks after we sent the google doc link, or the shared task are already reviewed?

this question is valid

From the project description, all submissions are due by the end of this week (October 14th), feel free to edit your responses up until the deadline. Also check your document history to see if any review has been done. That should help!

Hello @Maryann-Onyinye please where can I access the document history? I want to check if my microtasks have been reviewed.

On your google docs, click on file, you should see version history there.

Okay thank you

Hi, correct me if I'm wrong, but this might not really work as version history only shows you a different version when an edit has been made and not when the file has been viewed.

Yes, exactly. I only saw the recent version of my document, did not see any review. So, I am still lost on how to check if my document has been reviewed.

Hi Guys, If you can't see any review, let's hold on for update from the mentors. I am sure once reviews are concluded you'd be notified. That being said the deadline for contribution to this project has elapsed. Thank you all!

We don't need to input a merge date yet guys. We can keep that field blank until we hear back from the mentors and then you can edit it later.

In T346374#9251350, @59 wrote:
In T346374#9246025, @59 wrote:

@Maryann-Onyinye can we continue editing our tasks after we sent the google doc link, or the shared task are already reviewed?

this question is valid

From the project description, all submissions are due by the end of this week (October 14th), feel free to edit your responses up until the deadline. Also check your document history to see if any review has been done. That should help!

Hello @Maryann-Onyinye please where can I access the document history? I want to check if my microtasks have been reviewed.

On your google docs, click on file, you should see version history there.

Okay thank you

Hi, correct me if I'm wrong, but this might not really work as version history only shows you a different version when an edit has been made and not when the file has been viewed.

Yes, exactly. I only saw the recent version of my document, did not see any review. So, I am still lost on how to check if my document has been reviewed.

Hi Guys, If you can't see any review, let's hold on for update from the mentors. I am sure once reviews are concluded you'd be notified. That being said the deadline for contribution to this project has elapsed. Thank you all!

Hello. Okay thank you.

We don't need to input a merge date yet guys. We can keep that field blank until we hear back from the mentors and then you can edit it later.

Yes I agree with you

Hi everyone, how can one know if the Microtask has been reviewed by the mentor?

I think the communication could be via email. The October 10 update by Mr Raish gives me reason to believe that it's best for us to wait until the end of the week, at least.

Hi everyone, how can one know if the Microtask has been reviewed by the mentor?

According to the mentor @Mraish, those that are selected will be contacted via mail. I believe the description will be updated as soon as some interns are chosen.

As we wait to for mentor to give us feedback, can we talk about the tasks? And how we went about it

In T346374#9266474, @59 wrote:

As we wait to for mentor to give us feedback, can we talk about the tasks? And how we went about it

It would be great to move discussions like this to the zulip chat steam.

Thank you for the information @Mraish. All information is well noted

Thank you so much @MRaishWMF for the opportunity to contribute and learn.
All information shared is clear and understood.

Thank you very much, we understand you well sr.

Thank you @MRaishWMF for the feedback.

Message well recieved.

Thank you @MRaishWF for the update.

Hello @MRaishWMF Thank you very much for the feedback.

Please guys I am trying to record my contribution using the link in the October 20 update, but it keeps taking me to the project list. Any help would be appreciated

Please guys I am trying to record my contribution using the link in the October 20 update, but it keeps taking me to the project list. Any help would be appreciated

Hi @ChisomObidike, try using this link. Scroll all the way to the bottom and click on the Record Contribution button under Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Survey. Let me know if anything seems unclear still!

Please guys I am trying to record my contribution using the link in the October 20 update, but it keeps taking me to the project list. Any help would be appreciated

Hi @ChisomObidike, try using this link. Scroll all the way to the bottom and click on the Record Contribution button under Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Survey. Let me know if anything seems unclear still!

@Mel618 Thank you so much. I have successfully recorded my contribution.

Thank you for the update @MRaishWMF the information is well understood

Hello All,I had a query regarding the submission process for "Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Survey." We have already sent the google doc link and recorded our contribution on the outreachy website,should we also submit the final project application on the Outreachy website now.If someone has any idea please do share:)

Hello All,I had a query regarding the submission process for "Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Survey." We have already sent the google doc link and recorded our contribution on the outreachy website,should we also submit the final project application on the Outreachy website now.If someone has any idea please do share:)

This is form outreach contribution guideline

"Applicants are required to create a final application for each Outreachy project they apply to. Only applicants that record a contribution to a project will be able to create a final application for that project.

We encourage applicants to submit their final application at least a day before the deadline (Oct. 30, 2023 at 4pm UTC). You can edit your final application until the deadline.

You will need to submit your final application through the Outreachy website. Go to the Outreachy project list, and click the link for your project. On the page with project details, you should see a link to 'record your contributions and create a final application'."

good morning Guys , please can we fill our final application for this project.

Hello @Mraish , thanks for your mentoring i am outreachy applicant and this is my submission of microtask, also i share you as an email

In T346374#9271419, @59 wrote:

good morning Guys , please can we fill our final application for this project.

Hello All,I had a query regarding the submission process for "Multilingual Wikipedia Editor Survey." We have already sent the google doc link and recorded our contribution on the outreachy website,should we also submit the final project application on the Outreachy website now.If someone has any idea please do share:)

This is form outreach contribution guideline

"Applicants are required to create a final application for each Outreachy project they apply to. Only applicants that record a contribution to a project will be able to create a final application for that project.

We encourage applicants to submit their final application at least a day before the deadline (Oct. 30, 2023 at 4pm UTC). You can edit your final application until the deadline.

You will need to submit your final application through the Outreachy website. Go to the Outreachy project list, and click the link for your project. On the page with project details, you should see a link to 'record your contributions and create a final application'."

You have a great point!

In T346374#9271419, @59 wrote:

good morning Guys , please can we fill our final application for this project.

Yes, you can. We have six days to do that

Hello @Mraish ,
Thank you so much for always keeping us updated, it means a lot and we are grateful!

Please, I would love to know your thoughts regarding our final submission, as we only have 7 days left to submit our final application to the project, and they are all long easy questions. Thank you once again!

In T346374#9271419, @59 wrote:

good morning Guys , please can we fill our final application for this project.

Yes, you can. We have six days to do that

Please, how do we go about this question?

Please work with your mentor to provide a timeline of the work you plan to accomplish on the project and what tasks you will finish at each step. Make sure take into account any time commitments you have during the Outreachy internship round. If you are still working on your contributions and need more time, you can leave this blank and edit your application later.

In T346374#9271419, @59 wrote:

good morning Guys , please can we fill our final application for this project.

Yes, you can. We have six days to do that

Please, how do we go about this question?

Please work with your mentor to provide a timeline of the work you plan to accomplish on the project and what tasks you will finish at each step. Make sure take into account any time commitments you have during the Outreachy internship round. If you are still working on your contributions and need more time, you can leave this blank and edit your application later.

I shared a few pointers to help with this in the #outreachy27 chat stream. please check it out!

Hello @Mraish ,
Thank you so much for always keeping us updated, it means a lot and we are grateful!

Please, I would love to know your thoughts regarding our final submission, as we only have 7 days left to submit our final application to the project, and they are all long easy questions. Thank you once again!

Hi All, due to the volume of contributions, it might be difficult (almost near impossible) to share 1:1 responses on submissions. However, i think you'd get an update from Outreachy after the submission deadline. I suggest you go ahead and work on your final application (please include all relevant information). All the best!

Hello @Mraish ,
Thank you so much for always keeping us updated, it means a lot and we are grateful!

Please, I would love to know your thoughts regarding our final submission, as we only have 7 days left to submit our final application to the project, and they are all long easy questions. Thank you once again!

Hi All, due to the volume of contributions, it might be difficult (almost near impossible) to share 1:1 responses on submissions. However, i think you'd get an update from Outreachy after the submission deadline. I suggest you go ahead and work on your final application (please include all relevant information). All the best!

Thank you @Maryann-Onyinye

In T346374#9271419, @59 wrote:

good morning Guys , please can we fill our final application for this project.

Yes, you can. We have six days to do that

Please, how do we go about this question?

Please work with your mentor to provide a timeline of the work you plan to accomplish on the project and what tasks you will finish at each step. Make sure take into account any time commitments you have during the Outreachy internship round. If you are still working on your contributions and need more time, you can leave this blank and edit your application later.

I shared a few pointers to help with this in the #outreachy27 chat stream. please check it out!

Thank you so much.

Hi @Mraish @MRaishWMF I contributed already, there are still other things that need finalizing. For instance, the Outreachy internship project timeline; requires working with the mentor to provide a timeline of the work to be accomplished and what tasks to complete at each step.

Hi @Mraish @MRaishWMF I contributed already, there are still other things that need finalizing. For instance, the Outreachy internship project timeline; requires working with the mentor to provide a timeline of the work to be accomplished and what tasks to complete at each step.

@Olakunle. While waiting for a response from @Mraish @MRaishWMF . I dropped this on Zulip, you may want to start from here. I hope it helps

I would like to ask which link are we pasting on our contribution space?

Will it be the doc link or link to this ticket? @Maryann-Onyinye

Hi @Mraish @MRaishWMF I contributed already, there are still other things that need finalizing. For instance, the Outreachy internship project timeline; requires working with the mentor to provide a timeline of the work to be accomplished and what tasks to complete at each step.

@Olakunle. I dropped this on Zulip. I hope it helps

thank you Gbemisola, I have another question please.

I would like to ask which link are we pasting on our contribution space?

Will it be the doc link or link to this ticket?

I would like to ask which link are we pasting on our contribution space?

Will it be the doc link or link to this ticket? @Maryann-Onyinye

@Olakunle. Definitely the link to your contribution. that is, the Google Doc link. All the best

Hi @Mraish @MRaishWMF I contributed already, there are still other things that need finalizing. For instance, the Outreachy internship project timeline; requires working with the mentor to provide a timeline of the work to be accomplished and what tasks to complete at each step.

@Olakunke, @Maryann-Onyinye also dropped this on Zulip

Screenshot 2023-10-23 080951.png (528×1 px, 68 KB)
how i submit my contribution while my contribution is not merged

Hi @Mraish @MRaishWMF I contributed already, there are still other things that need finalizing. For instance, the Outreachy internship project timeline; requires working with the mentor to provide a timeline of the work to be accomplished and what tasks to complete at each step.

Yes please I wanted to ask this too

Hi @Mraish @MRaishWMF I contributed already, there are still other things that need finalizing. For instance, the Outreachy internship project timeline; requires working with the mentor to provide a timeline of the work to be accomplished and what tasks to complete at each step.

@Olakunle. While waiting for a response from @Mraish @MRaishWMF . I dropped this on Zulip, you may want to start from here. I hope it helps

Thank you gbemisola

Screenshot 2023-10-23 080951.png (528×1 px, 68 KB)
how i submit my contribution while my contribution is not merged

I don’t think it need to be merged since it’s a doc link, I think we would input same date for the day you contributed and the day it was merged but we should confirm from @MRaishWMF

Hello dear team, Please, what is the best way to answer this question?

Outreachy internship project timeline:?

Hello dear team, Please, what is the best way to answer this question?

Outreachy internship project timeline:?

I shared a few pointers to help with this in the #outreachy27 chat stream. please check it out!

Hello dear team, Please, what is the best way to answer this question?

Outreachy internship project timeline:?

I shared a few pointers to help with this in the #outreachy27 chat stream. please check it out!

Thank you sis, I need to properly look through this. thanks

Hi @Mraish @MRaishWMF I contributed already, there are still other things that need finalizing. For instance, the Outreachy internship project timeline; requires working with the mentor to provide a timeline of the work to be accomplished and what tasks to complete at each step.

@Olakunke, @Maryann-Onyinye also dropped this on Zulip

Hi @Mraish @MRaishWMF I contributed already, there are still other things that need finalizing. For instance, the Outreachy internship project timeline; requires working with the mentor to provide a timeline of the work to be accomplished and what tasks to complete at each step.

@Olakunke, @Maryann-Onyinye also dropped this on Zulip

@MRaishWMF Are we supposed to paste the google doc URL on the contribution page of Outreachy? I will be thankful if someone clarifies it.

@MRaishWMF Are we supposed to paste the google doc URL on the contribution page of Outreachy? I will be thankful if someone clarifies it.

Hello @Spag98. Yes.

In T346374#9271419, @59 wrote:

good morning Guys , please can we fill our final application for this project.

Yes, you can. We have six days to do that

Please, how do we go about this question?

Please work with your mentor to provide a timeline of the work you plan to accomplish on the project and what tasks you will finish at each step. Make sure take into account any time commitments you have during the Outreachy internship round. If you are still working on your contributions and need more time, you can leave this blank and edit your application later.

I shared a few pointers to help with this in the #outreachy27 chat stream. please check it out!

Thank you for this.

Hello everyone. I'm still confused on what we are meant to input for the merged date when recording our contribution, so far, some people suggested we leave it blank, some said we should write the general final submission date of our task (Oct. 14) and others said we should write the date we submitted our tasks.

Hello everyone. I'm still confused on what we are meant to input for the merged date when recording our contribution, so far, some people suggest we leave it blank, some said we should write the general final submission date of our task (Oct. 14) and others said we should write the date we submitted our tasks.

I am confused about the same but I think we should wait for some final words from the mentor. Can anyone please confirm?

I think we should use October 14th preferably

Hello everyone. I'm still confused on what we are meant to input for the merged date when recording our contribution, so far, some people suggested we leave it blank, some said we should write the general final submission date of our task (Oct. 14) and others said we should write the date we submitted our tasks.

The mentor told us that accepted candidates would be contacted via email. Let's just hold on for a bit and see how that goes. We will likely know during this week

Hello everyone. I'm still confused on what we are meant to input for the merged date when recording our contribution, so far, some people suggested we leave it blank, some said we should write the general final submission date of our task (Oct. 14) and others said we should write the date we submitted our tasks.

The mentor told us that accepted candidates would be contacted via email. Let's just hold on for a bit and see how that goes. We will likely know during this week

Okay, thank you

Hi all,
It appears we may need to use the information provided here about the project to create our timeline for application final submission.
What are your thoughts?

Thank you.

Hi all,
It appears we may need to use the information provided here about the project to create our timeline for application final submission.
What are your thoughts?

Thank you.

Hello, @Maryam_Gbemisola sent some sample timelines by former interns in the Zulip chat but they were done in 2017 and I don't even understand the information they contain. I was hoping our mentor @MRaishWMF would put us through on what we are meant to input in the timeline.

Hi all,
It appears we may need to use the information provided here about the project to create our timeline for application final submission.
What are your thoughts?

Thank you.

Hello, @Maryam_Gbemisola sent some sample timelines by former interns in the Zulip chat but they were done in 2017 and I don't even understand the information they contain. I was hoping our mentor @MRaishWMF would put us through on what we are meant to input in the timeline.

Hello @Irene_Anyadu. How have you been? Those timelines are just a guide. A timeline line is a breakdown of how you will carry out the task if you are selected as an intern( 13 weeks internship). Check out the the Project description to be sure of what is expected of you ,to add more details kindly check Accepted participant here I hope you get a clearer understanding now. If you need any more assistance kindly slide into my DM on Zulip. Regards

Hi all,
It appears we may need to use the information provided here about the project to create our timeline for application final submission.
What are your thoughts?

Thank you.

Hello, @Maryam_Gbemisola sent some sample timelines by former interns in the Zulip chat but they were done in 2017 and I don't even understand the information they contain. I was hoping our mentor @MRaishWMF would put us through on what we are meant to input in the timeline.

Thank you @Irene_Anyadu,
I have gone through the links shared by @Maryam_Gbemisola.

Remember that @MRaishWMF said some applicants will be selected/contacted after our microstask submission review which I presumed those to be selected will be provided with more context that will guide the final application, specifically the timeline. However, I am currently at the crossroad as to either proceed with the final application using the information given on this page about the project or still wait for our mentor for a feedback, as we have less than 35 hours to the deadline.

Hi all,
It appears we may need to use the information provided here about the project to create our timeline for application final submission.
What are your thoughts?

Thank you.

Hello, @Maryam_Gbemisola sent some sample timelines by former interns in the Zulip chat but they were done in 2017 and I don't even understand the information they contain. I was hoping our mentor @MRaishWMF would put us through on what we are meant to input in the timeline.

Hello @Irene_Anyadu. How have you been? Those timelines are just a guide. A timeline line is a breakdown of how you will carry out the task if you are selected as an intern( 13 weeks internship). Check out the the Project description to be sure of what is expected of you ,to add more details kindly check Accepted participant here I hope you get a clearer understanding now. If you need any more assistance kindly slide into my DM on Zulip. Regards

Hello @Maryam_Gbemisola I'm good, thanks for asking. I hope you're well too. I went through the project description and what I understand so far is that we should give a brief explanation on what we hope to do each week of the internship. Where I'm lost is, do we write our proposed timeline in a google doc and paste the link in the box or we should input it directly in the box provided in the application? Because the sample timelines you sent in the zulip chat were done here on phabricator and they included graphs and tables. I don't know how to do that.

Hi all,
It appears we may need to use the information provided here about the project to create our timeline for application final submission.
What are your thoughts?

Thank you.

Hello, @Maryam_Gbemisola sent some sample timelines by former interns in the Zulip chat but they were done in 2017 and I don't even understand the information they contain. I was hoping our mentor @MRaishWMF would put us through on what we are meant to input in the timeline.

Thank you @Irene_Anyadu,
I have gone through the links shared by @Maryam_Gbemisola.

Remember that @MRaishWMF said some applicants will be selected/contacted after our microstask submission review which I presumed those to be selected will be provided with more context that will guide the final application, specifically the timeline. However, I am currently at the crossroad as to either proceed with the final application using the information given on this page about the project or still wait for our mentor for a feedback, as we have less than 35 hours to the deadline.

Yes, I saw that update information. Although no one so far has indicated that they have been selected so I think we should still send the final application to be safe.

Hi all,
It appears we may need to use the information provided here about the project to create our timeline for application final submission.
What are your thoughts?

Thank you.

Hello, @Maryam_Gbemisola sent some sample timelines by former interns in the Zulip chat but they were done in 2017 and I don't even understand the information they contain. I was hoping our mentor @MRaishWMF would put us through on what we are meant to input in the timeline.

Hello @Irene_Anyadu. How have you been? Those timelines are just a guide. A timeline line is a breakdown of how you will carry out the task if you are selected as an intern( 13 weeks internship). Check out the the Project description to be sure of what is expected of you ,to add more details kindly check Accepted participant here I hope you get a clearer understanding now. If you need any more assistance kindly slide into my DM on Zulip. Regards

Hello @Maryam_Gbemisola I'm good, thanks for asking. I hope you're well too. I went through the project description and what I understand so far is that we should give a brief explanation on what we hope to do each week of the internship. Where I'm lost is, do we write our proposed timeline in a google doc and paste the link in the box or we should input it directly in the box provided in the application? Because the sample timelines you sent in the zulip chat were done here on phabricator and they included graphs and tables. I don't know how to do that.

Hello @Irene_Anyadu. I assume those examples are profiles and timelines of accepted applicant. So, there's a possibility that what that it was done after they were accepted,I may be wrong. You can update your profile on Phabricator and Zulip , then write your timeline as you should.

Hi all,
It appears we may need to use the information provided here about the project to create our timeline for application final submission.
What are your thoughts?

Thank you.

Hello, @Maryam_Gbemisola sent some sample timelines by former interns in the Zulip chat but they were done in 2017 and I don't even understand the information they contain. I was hoping our mentor @MRaishWMF would put us through on what we are meant to input in the timeline.

Thank you @Irene_Anyadu,
I have gone through the links shared by @Maryam_Gbemisola.

Remember that @MRaishWMF said some applicants will be selected/contacted after our microstask submission review which I presumed those to be selected will be provided with more context that will guide the final application, specifically the timeline. However, I am currently at the crossroad as to either proceed with the final application using the information given on this page about the project or still wait for our mentor for a feedback, as we have less than 35 hours to the deadline.

@Yahaya_Kayode. I will advise you go ahead with your timeline. You can always update your final application if you are selected

Hi all,
It appears we may need to use the information provided here about the project to create our timeline for application final submission.
What are your thoughts?

Thank you.

Hello, @Maryam_Gbemisola sent some sample timelines by former interns in the Zulip chat but they were done in 2017 and I don't even understand the information they contain. I was hoping our mentor @MRaishWMF would put us through on what we are meant to input in the timeline.

Thank you @Irene_Anyadu,
I have gone through the links shared by @Maryam_Gbemisola.

Remember that @MRaishWMF said some applicants will be selected/contacted after our microstask submission review which I presumed those to be selected will be provided with more context that will guide the final application, specifically the timeline. However, I am currently at the crossroad as to either proceed with the final application using the information given on this page about the project or still wait for our mentor for a feedback, as we have less than 35 hours to the deadline.

@Yahaya_Kayode. I will advise you go ahead with your timeline. You can always update your final application if you are selected

Noted with thanks @Maryam_Gbemisola.

Good day @everyone

It's incredible to think about the journey we've shared this month. As we find ourselves on the cusp of the final day for contributions, I want to express my gratitude for all that I've learned from each and every one of you. Thank you for making this contribution period easier.
As we approach the finish line, I kindly ask that you remember to complete and finalize all your projects before the looming deadline. I have every confidence that you will all do your best, and I wish you the greatest success in your endeavors.

Hi everyone!
"Please describe your experience before this Outreachy application period with this free software community. You can describe your prior experiences as both a user and a contributor."
Is this question asking about our experience in this wikimedia community ? Is it talking about the contribution phase?

Hi all,
It appears we may need to use the information provided here about the project to create our timeline for application final submission.
What are your thoughts?

Thank you.

Hello, @Maryam_Gbemisola sent some sample timelines by former interns in the Zulip chat but they were done in 2017 and I don't even understand the information they contain. I was hoping our mentor @MRaishWMF would put us through on what we are meant to input in the timeline.

Hello @Irene_Anyadu. How have you been? Those timelines are just a guide. A timeline line is a breakdown of how you will carry out the task if you are selected as an intern( 13 weeks internship). Check out the the Project description to be sure of what is expected of you ,to add more details kindly check Accepted participant here I hope you get a clearer understanding now. If you need any more assistance kindly slide into my DM on Zulip. Regards

Hello @Maryam_Gbemisola I'm good, thanks for asking. I hope you're well too. I went through the project description and what I understand so far is that we should give a brief explanation on what we hope to do each week of the internship. Where I'm lost is, do we write our proposed timeline in a google doc and paste the link in the box or we should input it directly in the box provided in the application? Because the sample timelines you sent in the zulip chat were done here on phabricator and they included graphs and tables. I don't know how to do that.

Hello @Irene_Anyadu. I assume those examples are profiles and timelines of accepted applicant. So, there's a possibility that what that it was done after they were accepted,I may be wrong. You can update your profile on Phabricator and Zulip , then write your timeline as you should.

Hello @Maryam_Gbemisola It seems so. A link to a timeline template was sent to the Zulip chat. It seems like we are meant to use the template in a google doc then paste the link in the project timeline section when we want to submit our final application. What do you think?

Hi all,
It appears we may need to use the information provided here about the project to create our timeline for application final submission.
What are your thoughts?

Thank you.

Hello, @Maryam_Gbemisola sent some sample timelines by former interns in the Zulip chat but they were done in 2017 and I don't even understand the information they contain. I was hoping our mentor @MRaishWMF would put us through on what we are meant to input in the timeline.

Hello @Irene_Anyadu. How have you been? Those timelines are just a guide. A timeline line is a breakdown of how you will carry out the task if you are selected as an intern( 13 weeks internship). Check out the the Project description to be sure of what is expected of you ,to add more details kindly check Accepted participant here I hope you get a clearer understanding now. If you need any more assistance kindly slide into my DM on Zulip. Regards

Hello @Maryam_Gbemisola I'm good, thanks for asking. I hope you're well too. I went through the project description and what I understand so far is that we should give a brief explanation on what we hope to do each week of the internship. Where I'm lost is, do we write our proposed timeline in a google doc and paste the link in the box or we should input it directly in the box provided in the application? Because the sample timelines you sent in the zulip chat were done here on phabricator and they included graphs and tables. I don't know how to do that.

Hello @Irene_Anyadu. I assume those examples are profiles and timelines of accepted applicant. So, there's a possibility that what that it was done after they were accepted,I may be wrong. You can update your profile on Phabricator and Zulip , then write your timeline as you should.

Hello @Maryam_Gbemisola It seems so. A link to a timeline template was sent to the Zulip chat. It seems like we are meant to use the template in a google doc then paste the link in the project timeline section when we want to submit our final application. What do you think?

Hello @Irene_Anyadu. I don't know about the template. Could you show me on Zulip ?

Hi all,
It appears we may need to use the information provided here about the project to create our timeline for application final submission.
What are your thoughts?

Thank you.

Hello, @Maryam_Gbemisola sent some sample timelines by former interns in the Zulip chat but they were done in 2017 and I don't even understand the information they contain. I was hoping our mentor @MRaishWMF would put us through on what we are meant to input in the timeline.

Hello @Irene_Anyadu. How have you been? Those timelines are just a guide. A timeline line is a breakdown of how you will carry out the task if you are selected as an intern( 13 weeks internship). Check out the the Project description to be sure of what is expected of you ,to add more details kindly check Accepted participant here I hope you get a clearer understanding now. If you need any more assistance kindly slide into my DM on Zulip. Regards

Hello @Maryam_Gbemisola I'm good, thanks for asking. I hope you're well too. I went through the project description and what I understand so far is that we should give a brief explanation on what we hope to do each week of the internship. Where I'm lost is, do we write our proposed timeline in a google doc and paste the link in the box or we should input it directly in the box provided in the application? Because the sample timelines you sent in the zulip chat were done here on phabricator and they included graphs and tables. I don't know how to do that.

Hello @Irene_Anyadu. I assume those examples are profiles and timelines of accepted applicant. So, there's a possibility that what that it was done after they were accepted,I may be wrong. You can update your profile on Phabricator and Zulip , then write your timeline as you should.

Hello @Maryam_Gbemisola It seems so. A link to a timeline template was sent to the Zulip chat. It seems like we are meant to use the template in a google doc then paste the link in the project timeline section when we want to submit our final application. What do you think?

Hello @Irene_Anyadu. I don't know about the template. Could you show me on Zulip ?

Okay I'd check for the link

Hey everyone, to streamline our discussions, kindly relocate all conversations and questions regarding Final Applications to this dedicated Zulip chat stream:

Hey everyone, to streamline our discussions, kindly relocate all conversations and questions regarding Final Applications to this dedicated Zulip chat stream:

Thank you

Okay. @Irene_ Anyadu. I think I saw it too. Thank you

Hello @Maryam_Gbemisola good morning. Is that the template we are meant to use? Or are we meant to write the timeline in our Phabricator profile like the samples you sent in the Zulip chat?

Hello @Irene_Anyadu,
Good Morning, if you compare the template with the examples of timelines as suggested by Wikimedia, it looks similar. According to @Maryann-Onyinye, our timeline doesn't have to be perfect because it will be reviewed if one is accepted. I will advise that you use the suggested timeline by Wikimedia, and add as much details as possible.

All the best

Hello @Irene_Anyadu,
Good Morning, if you compare the template with the examples of timelines as suggested by Wikimedia, it looks similar. According to @Maryann_Onyinye, our timeline doesn't have to be perfect because it will be reviewed if one is accepted. I will advise that you use the suggested timeline by Wikimedia, and add as much details as possible.

All the best

Hello @Maryam_Gbemisola yes that's true, they are similar. Thank you

Hello @Maryam_G

Hello @Irene_Anyadu,
Good Morning, if you compare the template with the examples of timelines as suggested by Wikimedia, it looks similar. According to @Maryann-Onyinye, our timeline doesn't have to be perfect because it will be reviewed if one is accepted. I will advise that you use the suggested timeline by Wikimedia, and add as much details as possible.

All the best

Hello @Maryam_Gbemisola I don't know the section of my phabricator user page to input the timeline. Please can you assist me with that

Greetings all,
I can not see the time commitment referred to in the screenshot while submitting final application.
Is it the same thing at your end?

Screenshot 2023-10-29 at 20.58.14.png (704×2 px, 164 KB)

Greetings all,
I can not see the time commitment referred to in the screenshot while submitting final application.
Is it the same thing at your end?

Screenshot 2023-10-29 at 20.58.14.png (704×2 px, 164 KB)

Hello @Yahaya_Kayode. Just thick the box. That paragraph is referring to the time commitment you stated in your initial application. They just want to be sure the time commitment is still the same as at now that you are sending in your final application.

Below this paragraph, you will see where you can refer to the time commitment in your initial application

Greetings all,
I can not see the time commitment referred to in the screenshot while submitting final application.
Is it the same thing at your end?

Screenshot 2023-10-29 at 20.58.14.png (704×2 px, 164 KB)

Hello @Yahaya_Kayode. Just thick the box. That paragraph is referring to the time commitment you stated in your initial application. They just want to be sure the time commitment is still the same as at now that you are sending in your final application.

Below this paragraph, you will see where you can refer to the time commitment in your initial application

This is noted with thanks @Maryam_Gbemisola

Hello @Maryam_G

Hello @Irene_Anyadu,
Good Morning, if you compare the template with the examples of timelines as suggested by Wikimedia, it looks similar. According to @Maryann-Onyinye, our timeline doesn't have to be perfect because it will be reviewed if one is accepted. I will advise that you use the suggested timeline by Wikimedia, and add as much details as possible.

All the best

Hello @Maryam_Gbemisola I don't know the section of my phabricator user page to input the timeline. Please can you assist me with that

Please are we expected to create a phabricator user page now? I thought that was for when we have been accepted, is it not?

Hello everyone!
I hope we have all submitted our final application, if you are yet to submit, you may want to submit now.
I wish us all the best. I’m grateful to our mentor @MRaishWMF and everyone who has helped to make this possible.
I’m so grateful for all I’ve learned over the past few weeks.🙏🙏

Hey @everyone, Hope we’re all doing well!
I published a blog post and I thought to share with us. Please share your thoughts.
Happy reading 🤗!

Hello everyone!
I hope we have all submitted our final application, if you are yet to submit, you may want to submit now.
I wish us all the best. I’m grateful to our mentor @MRaishWMF and everyone who has helped to make this possible.
I’m so grateful for all I’ve learned over the past few weeks.🙏🙏
