User Details
User Details
- User Since
- Oct 22 2015, 6:44 PM (485 w, 3 d)
- Availability
- Available
- LDAP User
- Unknown
- MediaWiki User
- Preetika09 [ Global Accounts ]
Oct 23 2015
Oct 23 2015
Preetika09 added a comment to T15303: Implement HTML e-mail support in MediaWiki.
What is the first work that is to be done to apply as a candidate?
Preetika09 added a comment to T15303: Implement HTML e-mail support in MediaWiki.
Hello, I wish to choose this project for outreachy program. Can you tell from where should I begin?
Oct 22 2015
Oct 22 2015
Preetika09 removed subtasks for T116303: Outreachy Proposal for Implement HTML e-mail support in MediaWiki: T116307: Outreachy Proposal for Implement HTML e-mail support in MediaWiki, T116306: Outreachy Proposal for Implement HTML e-mail support in MediaWiki, T116223: Outreach Proposal for T15303: Implement HTML e-mail support in MediaWiki.