Quibble in May

[Quibble] is the new test runner for MediaWiki (see the intro Blog Post: Introducing Quibble). This post is to give an update of what happened during May 2018.


Željko Filipin wrote a blog post Blog Post: Run Selenium tests using Quibble and Docker.

Since the last update, Quibble version went from 0.0.11 to 0.0.17:

  • Use Sphinx to generate documentation and publish it online https://doc.wikimedia.org/quibble/ - T193164 [Antoine & Željko]
  • Composer timeout bumped to 900 seconds. PHP CodeSniffer against the entirety of mediawiki/core takes a while under HHVM. [Kunal Mehta]
  • Process git submodules in extensions and skins - T130966 [Antoine]
  • HHVM now serves .svg files with Content-Type: image/svg+xml - T195634 [Antoine]
  • Support for posgres as a database backend. You will need postgres and pg_virtualenv installed then pass --db=postgres. - T39602 [Kunal Mehta]
  • Option --skip to skip one or more test commands. [Kunal Mehta]
  • Properly pass environment variables to all setup and test commands. Notably MW_INSTALL_PATH and MW_LOG_DIR were missing which caused some extensions to fail. The Jenkins job now properly capture all logs [Antoine]

How you can help


The documentation can use tutorials for various use cases. It is in integration/quibble.git in the doc/source directory. You should be able to generate it by simply running:

tox -e doc
<your web browser> doc/build/index.html

Any support or question you might have are most welcome as a Phabricator task against Quibble.

Migrate CI

I have migrated MediaWiki and a lot of extensions to use the Quibble jobs. There are still 229 mediawiki extensions not migrated yet. A test report is build daily by Jenkins:


Tests "test_mediawiki_repos_use_quibble" represent extension not migrated yet. T183512 is the huge tracking task.


Make MediaWiki tests passing with Postgres!

T195807: Fix failing MediaWiki core tests on Postgres database backend

Thank you

Huge thanks to Kunal Mehta, Timo Tijhof, Adam Wight, Željko Filipin and Stephen Niedzielski.

That is all for May 2018.


[Last update]

Written by hashar on Jun 1 2018, 8:36 PM.
Aklapper, Hotmaillogin1, hashar
"Meh!" token, awarded by zeljkofilipin.

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