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(An Untitled Masterwork)

Authored by thcipriani on Nov 10 2016, 10:23 PM.
Referenced Files
Nov 10 2016, 10:23 PM
"Party Time" token, awarded by greg.
scap (3.3.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Scap learned how to lock all deployments at the server level. Previously
it only knew how to lock deployments at the repo level.
* Scap now tells users who holds the lock file (when deploys are locked).
Permissions on the lockfile have changed to 600, making it harder to
overwrite (Fixes T140914).
* "scap sync-file" and "scap pull" got new flags, "--beta-only-change" and
"--no-touch", respectively. When used, this prevents the normal action
taken by "scap pull" to touch the wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php file
which invalidate local caches. This allows some syncs to avoid a
potential problem with HHVM servers exhausting local cache when reading
new files from disk. The option is now also always passed to `scap pull`
by `scap sync-l10n` (fixes T149872 -- thank you Bryan Davis).
* Scap learned to announce scap3 deployments in IRC. This should mean that
deployers will no longer have to announce a deployment manually in
*-operations -- scap will do it for them.
* Scap3 updated the way it limits hosts and can now limit hosts from all
groups, not just the default group (Fixes T149128).
* HHVM restarts now happen via the /usr/local/bin/restart-hhvm script. This
means that an individual server is now depooled via confctl before being
restarted (thank you Giuseppe Lavagetto).
* Scap3 learned about empty checks in the checks.yml file. This allows you
to overwrite global checks in an environment specific checks.yml. These
checks will be logged, but nothing will run (fixes T149668).
* Scap3 added a "finalize" stage of deployment. This will allow for "promote"
checks to execute before the final state is recorded and clean up of old
rev directories is performed, and overall result in more consistent
rollback behavior (Fixes T150267)
* Scap learned how to use sub-sub commands, i.e., scap subcommand
subsubcommand. None are yet implemented.
* scap l10n-purge works once again, and restart_hhvm was restored (Fixes
* Internally, scap simplified its usage of sudo calls. This means the
internals are a bit more sane, unnecessary sudo calls, i.e., sudoing as
yourself is less common throughout the code.
-- Tyler Cipriani <> Thu, 10 Nov 2016 13:41:28 -0800

Event Timeline

greg subscribed.

re announce to IRC: maybe make it clear that it is now doing it for all deploys, not just the MW ones.

Also, the "scap" vs "scap3" distinction is probably lost on many, but, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯