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Deploy Flow on [[fr:Projet:Astronomie/Porte des étoiles]]
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The Projet:Astronomie of the French language Wikipedia accepted the proposal the deploy the Flow tool on its talk page to test it by contributors more used by the classical talk system. Thus I'm asking here Flow deployment. Thanks in advance.

Le Projet:Astronomie de la Wikipédia francophone a accepté dans sa grande majorité la proposition de déployer Flow sur sa page de discussion afin notamment de pouvoir tester l'outil avec des contributeurs plus habitués à la version classique de discussion. Je viens donc ici demander ce déploiement. Merci d'avance.

Event Timeline

Feldo assigned this task to Dereckson.
Feldo raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Feldo updated the task description. (Show Details)
Feldo added a project: Wikimedia-Site-requests.
Feldo subscribed.

Change 218897 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dereckson):
Deploy Flow on [[fr:Projet:Astronomie/Porte des étoiles]]

Dereckson triaged this task as Medium priority.Jun 17 2015, 2:16 PM
Dereckson moved this task from Backlog to To deploy on the Wikimedia-Site-requests board.

Some extra notes:

  • This allows a real test for experienced contributors on fr.wikipedia, as currently, the system were only deployed on a test page and on the « forum des nouveaux » page, a place for newcomers (a little like the en.wikipedia Tea House, but less formal).
  • Flow is already deployed at project level on en.wikipedia (Breakfast and New Hampshire), which is more useful to test and get issues than other talk pages less used by experienced editors.
  • Participants of the project are aware of the experimental nature of Flow, of the existence of small issues, and of their responsibilities as testers, and accept them.
  • The participants expect this change to be reverted if the system doesn't work for them and solutions couldn't be found.
SBisson added subscribers: Quiddity, SBisson.

@Quiddity, @DannyH: There's a patch to do this with a config change. Do we still do that or does it have to be done on Special:EnableFlow? If so, who has the right to do that on fr.wikipedia?

It should be done with Special:EnableFlow. Unfortunately, I just tried that, and got a bug. I'm going to see what I can do about that...

Change 218897 abandoned by Dereckson:
Deploy Flow on [[fr:Projet:Astronomie/Porte des étoiles]]

The deployment is taken care by the Flow team. See T102785 and T102874 for follow-up.