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regression: interwiki links from wikidata don't update when a page is moved on wikipedia
Closed, InvalidPublic

Event Timeline

Matanya raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Matanya updated the task description. (Show Details)
Matanya added a project: Wikidata.
Matanya added subscribers: Matanya, hoo.
hoo claimed this task.

Nothing wrong here:

The two moves above were propagated to Wikidata just fine:

The third page wasn't linked to Wikidata at the time it was moved, so nothing could be done there:

@hoo the first two were fixed by hand. it used to work automatically. regarding the third it was with interwiki via wikidata when it was in the draft namespace, when moved to main namespace the interwiki link disappears.

That sitelink as well was updated automatically, as you can see in the edit summary.

I don't get this. it takes 7 minutes to update, or i am misreading your comment ?

I don't get this. it takes 7 minutes to update, or i am misreading your comment ?

Exactly, if the job queue is backlogged this can take quite long. Usually those updates will happen within seconds, but I saw cases where it took over 25 minutes.

I documented that with