Author: labadie.pierre
I'm trying to install the Cite.php extension on the Mediawiki which I have
installed on my home server. But modifying the Localsettings.php file doesn't do
much good.
If I insert :
require_once( "$IP/extensions/Cite.php" );
> I get a big "revision page", entitled "Log of
/trunk/extensions/Cite/Cite.php" with a list of revisions of Cite.php instead,
of my SongoWiki (as it is called)'s homepage.
If I add at the end of the document
include( '$IP/extensions/Cite.php' );
> I get the same page.
If I only put the second sentence at the end of the document,and not
require_once, etc. I get my homepage, but with an error message :
Warning: include($IP/extensions/Cite.php) [function.include]: failed to open
stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/SongoWiki/LocalSettings.php on
line 136
Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '$IP/extensions/Cite.php'
for inclusion
in /var/www/SongoWiki/LocalSettings.php on line 136
What should I do ??
Version: unspecified
Severity: blocker
OS: Linux
Platform: Other