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Blueprint skin doesn't display what you type in its search box using Firefox
Closed, ResolvedPublic


  1. Visit in Firefox
  2. Click in the search area, and type "Hello"

Result: You see nothing. After a delay the search suggestions dropdown appears, but you never see what you typed.
Workaround: press [Enter] to go to the Special:Search page

This screenshot shows the problem:

2015-06-24 Blueprint LSG overflow.png (1×1 px, 174 KB)

(The screenshot also shows a separate bug T103730: Fix Blueprint top bar. Currently obscuring h1#firstHeading by wrapping onto the second line..)

The problem is Blueprint's master.css specifies huge top and bottom padding for the search input field that make it 0 pixels tall:

.navbar.navbar-fixed-top .search-input {
  padding: 25px 40px;
  height: 30px;

Firefox obeys and squeezes the input field out of existence.
Chromium also thinks $('#searchInput').height() is 0, but shows what you type anyway.

Event Timeline

Spage raised the priority of this task from to High.
Spage updated the task description. (Show Details)
Spage updated the task description. (Show Details)
Spage set Security to None.
Spage added subscribers: Aklapper, Spage.

Change 222092 had a related patch set uploaded (by Prtksxna):
Remove vertical padding for input.search_input

Volker_E added a subscriber: Paladox.

The latest patch will also fix IE's problem reported at T106683

Change 222092 merged by VolkerE:
Remove vertical padding for input.search_input

It still has a problem on Internet Explorer it doesent show the search icon. Shoulden search text be hidden.

background-size: 3em; is causing the problem.

@Paladox Would you please create a new task with that bug?

Hi I did but it was merged here.

The screenshot looks like a problem T104680: Make Blueprint responsive needs to solve.

@Prtksxna It is a SVG cross-browser rendering problem with background-size as one of the reasons and one of the possible solution approaches. Still leaving this task closed and proceed IE problem at T106683.