Clicking on "printable version" link produces page which is not exactly ready for print. The most important
issue is that blue icons of external links do not disappear (you can see this in the bottom of http:// This is very distracting.
Also, skin used by user affects how the printable version is presented. For example, enabling Standard skin
( would
cause some navigational templates (using "noprint" CSS class) to appear. Printable versions should be
independent from chosen skin.
Additionally to fixing problem with external links, it would be fine if there was a way to change CSS used in
print version. I see this as introducing [[MediaWiki:Printable.css]] page, similar to
[[MediaWiki:Common.css]]. Users should also have possiblility to define their own [[User:X/Printable.css]].
Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement