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Add WMF engineer VolkerE <> to ldap/wmf group
Closed, ResolvedPublic


@Volker_E is on the Reading team, he's been an employee for months, yet he does not have +2 ability in Blueprint. and my spelunking in gerrit's project > Access > History and People > List Groups suggest that he's not a member of ldap/wmf. Can someone add existing gerrit user VolkerE <> to ldap/wmf ? Reading team czar @Tnegrin approves. Thanks!

(I copied this request from T102120. The wiki page Gerrit/+2 should explain how to request +2 rights or link to an explanation. It links to Gerrit/Project_ownership but that's more ownership than access rights)

Event Timeline

Spage raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Spage updated the task description. (Show Details)
Spage added subscribers: Spage, Volker_E, Tnegrin.

Sorry for the late reply. RelEng doesn't manage LDAP. Did something indicate that you should ask us? Old documentation?

demon claimed this task.
demon subscribed.


Thanks @Spage and all that made that happen quickly.