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Generate Health Check tables using Lua
Closed, ResolvedPublic


First, create a lua template that can generate that team's table. Then create a variant that can create the megamatrix (all teams within one quarter).

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ksmith claimed this task.
ksmith raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
ksmith updated the task description. (Show Details)
ksmith added a project: Team-Practices.
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ksmith triaged this task as Medium priority.Aug 5 2015, 7:34 PM
ksmith moved this task from To Triage to General backlog on the Team-Practices board.
ksmith edited projects, added Team-Practices (This-Week); removed Team-Practices.
ksmith set Security to None.

@ggellerman and @KLans_WMF will validate the data in all 4 megamatrices, plus also the team table on each of the team-specific pages. For the latter, some footnotes will be required before the old team tables can be deleted.

@KLans_WMF and I reviewed lua megamatrix against published results & spreadsheet results

@KLans_WMF will get back to @ksmith with notes & comments

@ksmith everything checked out with the exception of RelEng Q4 result, both on the individual team page and the megamatrix:

I believe the reason was a cell error on the Q4 spreadsheet. It looks like it cause your script to run through the previous (Q3) quarter's results and generate those for Q4. I have fixed the cell error, so hopefully it's a simple matter to rerun.

Manual review for the win!

The remaining work on this is to add footnotes to the individual tables.

The footnotes are:

  • addition of cross-team communication in fr-tech q2
  • blank Releng q2 process
  • additional categories in q2 research
  • addition of reputation in web q3
  • score of 3.5 in Q4 Flow/Collab (leave blank and add footnote)
  • not reported value for research q3 comm involvement

It looks like I inadvertently copied all the Q3 data into the actual Q4 RelEng data page[1]. I just manually entered the Q4 data directly from the official RelEng rating spreadsheet into that page, so it should be fixed.


Looks good to me @ksmith!

I'll make a separate ticket for footnotes, and I think we can call this closed :-) Thanks for all the hard work.

Per Kristen's OK, I have removed the "This table is a draft" warning.