Page MenuHomePhabricator patch pages should be plain text, not HTML
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See T102566#1504142 where a patch command fails miserably because (obtained by clicking the "patch" tab on the commit page) is actually a HTML file. Compare with which returns a proper patchfile.

Event Timeline

Tgr raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Tgr updated the task description. (Show Details)
Tgr added a project: Gerrit.
Tgr subscribed.
hashar claimed this task.
hashar subscribed.

The gitblit software powering is in the process of being replaced by Phabricator Diffusion. See:

T111465: [keyresult] Deprecate gitblit in favor of Diffusion
Project: Gitblit-Deprecate

In Diffusion one goes to then use the Download Raw Diff link. Or:

curl -L ''
hashar set Security to None.