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Apply tags to deletion
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Could you add the possibility to apply tags through the API when deleting a page, like what has been done recently for regular edits ?

I'm using tags for identifying edits made by WPCleaner, and its main actions are page edit/creation through action=edit (which can be tagged), and page deletion through action=delete (which can't be tagged).
It currently looks strange in some cases: creation of a TODO subpage is tagged as WPCleaner, while its deletion when all actions are done has only a comment saying that it's done through WPCleaner.

Event Timeline

NicoV raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
NicoV updated the task description. (Show Details)
NicoV subscribed.
TTO triaged this task as Medium priority.Aug 10 2015, 7:46 AM

This interface should certainly be added. Until then, deletion log entries can be tagged post facto via a separate API request to action=tag.

Change 230526 had a related patch set uploaded (by TTO):
Allow change tags to be added via API action=delete

Change 230526 had a related patch set uploaded (by TTO):
Allow change tags to be added via API action=delete

Change 230526 merged by jenkins-bot:
Allow change tags to be added via API action=delete

Anomie claimed this task.
Anomie subscribed.

This should be deployed to WMF wikis with 1.27.0-wmf.3, see for the schedule.

It works:

Note that the deployment of 1.27.0-wmf.3 to non-test wikis has been delayed due to technical issues and personnel shortages, so this feature is not yet available on other sites.

Tagging deletions is only available from the API currently. I think Cenarium was asking for tagging via the UI in T88771; I'm not sure if it's a good idea though.

The summary of this task only mentions API. If Cenarium wants a web UI for it too, he's free to file a separate task for that.

I just noticed that APIDelete directly tags the deletion log (assuming the RC has been saved) instead of passing the tags for later tagging when the RC is saved like the others. Now that the RC save is deferred, it likely won't tag the RC any more. Same issue we had with editing when RC save got deferred. This will need fixing.

Change 312046 had a related patch set uploaded (by Cenarium):
Move tagging of API deletions to RC save

Change 312046 merged by jenkins-bot:
Move tagging of API deletions to RC save