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During run, Stop after redirected file drops the file from subsequent run
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I usually have "Follow redirects" on when doing a run of all the files in a particular wikiproject, and some of those files happen to be redirects.

So, when it gets to a redirect, AWB "follows" it to its permanent page and processes from there. All good.

But in this case when I Stop AWB for whatever reason, the permanent page that is displaying in my list vanishes (or appears to vanish). So if I were to Start again, I wouldn't be able to process that file again. It's possible that "Keep alphabetized" is moving this entry somewhere else in the list, but that's not my expectation after stopping on a file. My expectation is that this entry will stay put once I click 'Start' again.

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Stevietheman raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Stevietheman updated the task description. (Show Details)
Stevietheman added a project: AutoWikiBrowser.

When pages are redirected, they are replaced in the listmaker

That is correct. They are replaced.

And if I Stop, it gets seemingly dropped, so I can't Start again on that file.

They're not removed fully till they're saved or skipped

What I'm saying is that if I Stop, the replacement entry (the redirected-to file) either vanishes or moves to a different position in the list.

So, if I Start again, I can't immediately re-process that particular file.

Try turning off the Keep alphabetized, and just sort with a right click when you want

OK, I will try that in my next run. I don't think that would resolve the issue, though, because I really don't expect the list to re-alphabetize upon stopping. Maybe that's the issue?

What would you an option called Keep alphabetized to actually do if not keep the list alphabetized?

Why would anyone want the list to re-alphabetize after a stop even if "Keep alphabetized" is checked? Let's look at this from a "use case" perspective.

'Stop' doesn't mean I'm doing anything with or to the list, which is what "Keep alphabetized" is about. It just means "Stop". Nobody expects the list to change when stopping.

That's right.

And what that has to do with triggering any list events is beyond my understanding. "Keep alphabetized" is supposed to run on a list event trigger, logically speaking. Not a "Stop the editing process" trigger.

Let's review.

"Follow Redirects" is checked in this scenario.

  1. The run process gets to a redirect in the process, and replaces it with the page it redirects to and continues processing. "Keep alphabetized" is not run at this time.
  1. The user clicks Stop. "Keep alphabetized" is run.

What's interesting is that #1 is a change to the list. #2 is not. That's inconsistent.

I would argue that "Keep alphabetized" shouldn't run in any of these cases because the user doesn't expect it.

So, to your question "When would it run then?"

It would run when a user expects it to run -- that is, when they are making a change that affects the list in some way. E.g., if the user adds entries to the list.

Stopping a run process is not the user making a change that affects the list.

Rjwilmsi subscribed.

rev 11938 ListMaker stop: no need to sort or refresh buttons if no articles added