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Translate the "Education program" system messages into Bulgarian
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Translation of <del> 611 (82%) </del> 224 (30%) remaining system messages in BG with the prospect to include the MediaWiki-extensions-EducationProgram to BG WP

"Education program" system messaging

Task created by User:Spiritia

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Event Timeline

TFlanagan-WMF raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
TFlanagan-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
TFlanagan-WMF subscribed.

I think that here the system message "Log of all changes to instructors."

lacks the link to [[Special:Instructors]]

I'm thinking so by analogy with the other neighbouring system messages

Log of all changes to [[Special:Institutions|institutions]].‎
Log of all changes to [[Special:Courses|courses]].‎
Log of all changes to instructors.‎
Log of all changes to Education Program [[Special:OnlineVolunteers|Online volunteers]].‎
Log of all changes to Education Program [[Special:CampusVolunteers|Campus volunteers]].‎
Log of all changes to [[Special:Students|students]].‎

Spiritia set Security to None.

@Selsharbaty-WMF assigned this task to @Spiritia.

@Spiritia: This issue has been assigned to you a while ago. Could you please share a status update? Are you still working (or still plan to work) on this issue? Is there anything that others could help with? If you do not plan to work on this issue anymore, please remove yourself as assignee (via Add Action...Assign / Claim in the dropdown menu) so others could work on it. Thanks a lot!

I recommend pausing any work on this or unclaiming the task. The extension needs to be depreciated and future education program activities should be captured in the Programs and Events Dashboard

Aklapper lowered the priority of this task from High to Lowest.

I am boldly declining this task as there have been no updates by @Spiritia for four years, so I assume it's been abandoned.
While anyone is of course free to translate this extension to Bulgarian, in the meantime this extension has been removed from Wikimedia sites in T214457 and has been superseded by