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- User Since
- May 6 2015, 11:10 PM (488 w, 10 h)
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- MediaWiki User
- FKoudijs (WMF) [ Global Accounts ]
Apr 5 2016
Mar 14 2016
@Vojtech.dostal I'm not aware that there currently is one Phab task associated with choice of words for parts of the Dashboard, so that they are no longer education-only, but programs-wide. @Abit Are you aware of a place where a list of to-be-replaced education-focused verbiage lives? Thanks Vojtech for asking about this!
Thank you @Lilitik22 and @DavidSaroyan for helping with this!
@MelinaMasnattaWMAR83 I assigned this task to you. Feel free to get started on this, or feel free to wait until another Collab member volunteers for helping on this. It's up to you. :)
Mar 10 2016
Mar 9 2016
@Esh77 is experienced both in GLAMs and Education. @Lilitik22 works on WikiCamps, which have a very different set-up from a traditional classroom assignment. I think both of these awesome people can help testing from their diverse perspectives. Also pinging @Vojtech.dostal since he really wants to be closely involved, and he has lots of experience in education programs, for students of all ages (including seniors).
Pinging @Esh77 and @Lilitik22 here: they can help testing for Hebrew and for Armenian Wiktionary. I have more people that are happy to help testing, but I'll wait to hear from @awight when he feels the software is ready for more testers. :)
Thanks @ZhouZ. Pinging @awight and @AndyRussG so they know we can use the WMF logo. I'd suggest using the WMF logo without text (link to be found in description of this task). Agreed?
Hi @Dzahn for asking. I have never heard of those email aliases. They don't sound familiar to me at all, I'm afraid.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Best of luck!
Mar 6 2016
Done. :)
Done, yay! :)
Done, yay! :)
Feb 25 2016
Accidentally closed task, re-opening.
Checked in with legal today. Using the WMF logo is probably fine (the Outreach version of the Dashboard currently uses that logo). But we will get confirmation on that from @ZhouZ once he has had a chance to look into that deeper.
Feb 24 2016
Feb 23 2016
Feb 19 2016
Yes, that would be wonderful @Sumit! We didn't find any suitable participants in round 11 to take on this project but would love to feature it again and define the follow-up scope for this project for round 12 (we are currently working on some of this work during a sprint in February - but there's lots more to do and help would be appreciated!).
Poking @Abit because she should know about this. Also poking @Ragesoss and @dduvall, who graciously agreed to mentor and co-mentor a prospective Outreachy student.
Thank you for asking about this, @Sumit.
Feb 18 2016
Feb 17 2016
I also feel that approval shouldn't be necessary. Who would approve it? We don't have a worldwide equivalent for Wiki Ed, where people can judge the quality of the proposed course because they have that deep expertise. It's not the kind of expertise any admin necessarily haves. I'd suggest making it doable without approvals. If this were to lead to big issues, we can tackle that and think about how to improve the process there.
Thanks for clarifying @Abit. That makes sense. So, if not community members, then who will be doing the testing? You? Me? Adam or Andrew?
Feb 12 2016
Feb 9 2016
@TFlanagan-WMF: could you ask some of our community members with slow connections how this instance: loads for them right now? If loading time is excruciatingly slow, we may need to see how we might be able to improve this. Thanks!
Feb 3 2016
Jan 28 2016
Jan 27 2016
@Reem_Al-Kashif: Any language that we can find volunteers for. :) If you'd be interested in translating to Arabic, I think that would be really great. If that's what you're thinking and would like to do, please create a sub-task from this one called "Translate "Evaluating Wikipedia" into Arabic" and claim it for yourself. Thanks for asking and for wanting to help out!
Jan 26 2016
Jan 22 2016
Jan 20 2016
I'd really love to see due data capability as well. Right now, the Education team uses Asana for some of the project management. It's great because you can set a due date, and then Asana will remind you that a task is due soon, or that you missed a deadline. It also gives you the option to leave the due date blank, if that just doesn't apply. We all work with both hard and soft deadlines, and having the option to set due dates for the hard deadlines can be really helpful. Also, it shows that Phabricator is not just a brain dump ("let's put all our great ideas in here with no idea of when we'll ever get to them") but will help us prioritize and be clear about what we can commit to and by when.
Dec 17 2015
Thank you for contributing to the newsletter for this edition @Roxana!
thank you for doing this, @SaraMortsell! :)
@Lilitik22 and @DavidSaroyan How is this task going? Any updates? I hope it's all going well!
@Reem_Al-Kashif I hope this task is going great. If you feel you are done with this task, please feel free to change status to "resolved". Thank you!
The hangout was great. The link to the video on YouTube is here: if anyone is interested in watching it. It is mostly an exploration of how we might go about creating a wiki MOOC. One of the conclusions we reached is that we would first explore the existing materials out there before coming together again as a group. Each individual is now doing that. We have some great leads. @Esh77 will gather us together again when we have a good sense of the things that are out there. So, to be continued but I will close this task since it is done. Thanks for asking @Selsharbaty-WMF.
Assigning this to Shani as the coordinator for this group. But equally appreciative of all the work of @Paolaricaurte, @MelinaMasnattaWMAR83 and @SaraMortsell!
Yes. We are now in final negotiations, but I believe we will confirm today, and I will let @Ata and the rest of the group know once it's confirmed. Thanks for reminding me about that.
Dec 16 2015
Dec 14 2015
Done! :) Thank you @SaraMortsell for taking the lead on this and for negotiating a great discount.