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Set up Google Form to collect user feedback on Wikidata Query Service
Closed, InvalidPublic


We need user feedback to help us decide what's next.

Event Timeline

Deskana claimed this task.
Deskana raised the priority of this task from to High.
Deskana updated the task description. (Show Details)
Deskana subscribed.
Lydia_Pintscher subscribed.

I'd like to have access to the questions before release please (and later the answers) to make sure they also answer my questions for the query service userbase.


  • There is some community push for not using google forms.
  • I think it'd be interesting if the person answering is considering themselves a part of Wikimedia or 3rd party.
  • There is some community push for not using google forms.

I want to keep the feedback mechanism as easy to use as possible for non-Wikimedians because we want them to use it as much as anyone else. Google Forms require minimal maintenance/overhead for us whilst also making the feedback loop easier for non-Wikimedians, so they're the best option right now.

If Wikimedians don't want to use the Google Form for whatever reason, that's absolutely fine. They can email the Discovery list, or me directly.

  • I think it'd be interesting if the person answering is considering themselves a part of Wikimedia or 3rd party.

Good idea. I've added that to the form, as an optional question.

Yeah it is not a deal-breaker from my side. Just be aware that this might give you push-back.

Yeah it is not a deal-breaker from my side. Just be aware that this might give you push-back.

Thanks for letting me know. :-)

This was done using a wiki page in the end, for legal reasons.