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Add a way to subscribe from Special:Newsletters
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Things to consider:

  • Make this page open to public (but subscribe functionality only for logged-in users).
  • Don't use radio buttons; most users wouldn't expect that changing a radio button would do something without submission.. we need to figure out something else
  • Show the user a success message when subscribed.
  • Increment subscriber count after subscription.
  • Should only appear for JS users. Non-JS users should be shown a link to Special:Newsletter/id/subscribe.

Event Timeline

Glaisher raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Glaisher updated the task description. (Show Details)
Glaisher subscribed.

The plan looks very good, but I wonder if all this is feasible as a short term task. Should this be a blocker for the deployment of the extension in Wikimedia?

I don't think it would be that difficult and it should be possible to achieve this in the short term if someone works on it.

From our meeting today, about

<qgil> what if instead of radio buttons we would have a green subscribe button
<qgil> or red, if the system detects you are already subscribed to a newsletter
<tonythomas> and if the user is subscribed, it should show 'Unsubsribe' right ? something we have in
<qgil> yes, like that
<qgil> I wonder whether we could even have the workaround for non-JS right there
<qgil> if you have JS, you see the btton changing
<qgil> if not, the page is reloaded wit the correct button

<qgil> * remove Frequency column in order to have a cleaner page
<qgil> * make link in title of newsletter point to ID page with all the info
<qgil> About the radio button
<qgil> Convert it to button showing your current status

Glaisher raised the priority of this task from Low to Medium.

Change 246675 had a related patch set uploaded (by Glaisher):
Improve subscription functionality on Special:Newsletters

Make this page open to public (but subscribe functionality only for logged-in users).

This was done in

Change 246675 merged by jenkins-bot:
Improve subscription functionality on Special:Newsletters

There are a few issues with this but should generally work fine now. Column width would change when the messages are being changed but it would be easier to fix when T108161 is fixed. Second issue is tracked at T115874.