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Creating branch on git for REL1_26
Closed, ResolvedPublic


It seems the conversion script isent creating the rel1_26 branch straight of master instead a couple months back. Please fix it.

Steps to reproduce

Actual Results

  • It is creating the branch from commits commited in 2014 November.

Expected results

  • Create the branch straight of master.

Related Objects

Event Timeline

Paladox raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Paladox updated the task description. (Show Details)
Paladox added a project: MediaWiki-General.
Paladox subscribed.

Which "conversion script"? How to run that "conversion script"?
What are the actual steps to reproduce the actual problem? The steps to reproduce should be how the situation was created that you point to in the link, not the link itself. :)
Please edit the task summary accordingly via "Edit Task". Thanks!

[@Paladox: Removed the projects Gitblit and Gerrit. In general, please first check project descriptions for the scope of projects before adding them to a task; project descriptions are available by clicking the first item in the left pane after clicking a project name. Thanks!]

Well mediawiki runs the script that creates the branch for all mediawiki extensions and skins.

Change 242332 had a related patch set uploaded (by Chad):
Code cleanup

demon triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.
demon edited projects, added Gerrit, Gitblit, Wikimedia-GitHub; removed MediaWiki-General.

The make-extension-branches script in mediawiki/tools/release needed a little more TLC. I did this in the above patch. I've cleaned up the affected branches (did as soon as this was filed) and am now recreating them from the proper point and adjusting their .gitreview files as appropriate.

Will mark resolved in an hour or so when the correct branches are all on Gerrit and replicated to other places.

Thank you for trying to resolve this.

Branches created as of the core branch point for all extensions, vendor and skins. E-mail to follow to wikitech shortly.

E-mail sent. Thanks for noticing how messed up the original branches were.