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Clarify wording in dialog about unsupported file types which mentions Firefox and Firefogg
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The problem is that the text of popup is not clear:

The text say: "You can install Firefogg (a Firefox extension) to automatically convert your file." -> no i can't i have chrome :(

It should say: "if you are on mozilla firefox browser, you can install Firefogg extension ..."
"If you have another browser, ..."

the way it is said is important. Imagine :

  • people don't know firefox,
  • people don't know that firefox is the same as mozilla,
  • people think "hey perhaps i could install a module firefox on chrome", "perhaps i can use a firefox extension with any browser",
  • "i don't know what is firefox extension, but if it proposed to me, it is because i can (it is written "you can")".

i understand it is the same popup for any browser, but if so it need to be clear. (or a popup different per browser).

screenast to see popup (on chrome):

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Vatadoshu raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Vatadoshu updated the task description. (Show Details)
Vatadoshu subscribed.
Vatadoshu renamed this task from upload wizard-text should be more clear to upload wizard-text of popup should be more clear.Oct 20 2015, 1:19 PM
Vatadoshu updated the task description. (Show Details)
Vatadoshu set Security to None.
Aklapper renamed this task from upload wizard-text of popup should be more clear to Clarify wording in dialog about unsupported file types which mentions Firefox and Firefogg.Oct 20 2015, 1:19 PM
Aklapper updated the task description. (Show Details)
Restricted Application added a subscriber: Steinsplitter. · View Herald Transcript
Devirk removed Devirk as the assignee of this task.Nov 4 2015, 5:50 PM
MarkTraceur subscribed.

I have to say, I think it's almost as clear as it needs to be.

The only thing I think is actually relevant that you suggested (sort of), is that we change the message to include a link to Firefox as well as Firefogg.

But, it's not a high priority for me.

Change 261808 had a related patch set uploaded (by MtDu):
Clarify message about unsupported file types which mentions Firefox and Firefogg

Change 261808 merged by jenkins-bot:
Clarify message about unsupported file types which mentions Firefox and Firefogg

matmarex subscribed.

Seems resolved now perk Mark's suggestions.