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Problems trying to add reference or to save new Wikidata statement
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  1. Go to (Possession book)
  2. at the bottom of Statements, click [add]
  3. choose publication date, enter 1990
  4. click [add reference]

Result: nothing happens (is it a bug that the UI doesn't show any error?). If you look in developer console, there's an error "Error: Required option not specified properly".

I found from ?debug=1 that the error is in jquery.wikibase.referenceview.js line 93 because this.options.statementGuid is null. It happens in Firefox and chromium.

Maybe I'm meant to save the statement first? But if I click Save, I get

  TypeError: edittoolbar is undefined
	 btnSave = edittoolbar.getButton( 'save' ),
   referenceview.js (line 73, col 5)

and again, no error shown to user.

Event Timeline

Spage raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Spage updated the task description. (Show Details)
Spage added a project: Wikidata.
Spage subscribed.

I could reproduce the problem by following the steps in this ticket. When I press save after step 3, I can save the statement without problems. Saving doesn't work after I click add references (which shows no possibility to add a reference) and click save.