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[deepcat] Bug: Enable deepcat queries in advanced search
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story Points

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Bmueller assigned this task to WMDE-Fisch.
Bmueller raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Bmueller updated the task description. (Show Details)
KasiaWMDE renamed this task from [deepcat] Enable deepcat queries in advanced search to [deepcat] Bug: Enable deepcat queries in advanced search.Nov 23 2015, 4:20 PM
KasiaWMDE set Security to None.

At the moment you can use this as a workaround if you want to use the advanced search.

  • enter the required search string into the 'normal' search field
  • execute DeepCat search by clicking the Search button or pressing the Enter key
  • switch to the advanced search and add the needed modifiers ( you will see now a search string like incategory:id:5390661|id:8473665 )
  • re-execute the search in the advanced mode