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Expose or make apparent that pywikibot is available in PAWS
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When a user logs into PAWS, it is not immediately apparent that pywikibot is already available to them via the PATH and virtualenv. Document this on wiki and perhaps in the PAWS UI.

The best documentation about this is here however this doesn't quickly show up on and is linked with no real explanation on

Event Timeline

yuvipanda raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
yuvipanda updated the task description. (Show Details)
yuvipanda added a project: PAWS.
yuvipanda added subscribers: yuvipanda, Ladsgroup.
Restricted Application added a subscriber: pywikibot-bugs-list. · View Herald Transcript

I assume this task is about:

tools.paws@jupyter-john-vandenberg-3239244:~$ activate                                                                                    
bash: /srv/pwb/bin/activate: Permission denied

No, that's expeceted - you are generally expected to do source /srv/pwb/bin/activate. Also it is already activated by default (try which python), so this isn't about this.

This is about the fact that when you open a terminal it doesn't really make it clear that pwb is installed and how you can run scripts.

I've started a walk through intended for GCI

I suggest adding to the PATH one way or another.

ok, I've added /srv/pwb to path too, so is in path now.

I wanna reword it to be more comprehensive and then close this.

@Chicocvenancio, what's necessary to fix this task? I understand the main issue is to make easier to know that Pywikibot is available in PAWS, no?

Bstorm renamed this task from Expose the fact that PWB is available more to Expose or make apparent that pywikibot is available in PAWS.Feb 21 2020, 10:14 PM
Bstorm triaged this task as Low priority.
Bstorm added a project: good first task.
Bstorm updated the task description. (Show Details)
srishakatux changed the visibility from "Public (No Login Required)" to "acl*outreachy-mentors (Project)".Feb 26 2020, 9:20 PM
srishakatux subscribed.

(we'll open this task on March 5th - when the contribution period opens)

srishakatux changed the visibility from "acl*outreachy-mentors (Project)" to "Public (No Login Required)".Mar 5 2020, 6:24 PM
Bstorm claimed this task.

Looks good, thanks!