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Sort newsletters dropdown takes in too much space
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Link : (users must be logged in to see this dropdown)

An approach : Something small and tidy aligned to a corner ( right, above the table ) with a Go button. Opinions ?

Can be a possible Google-Code-In-2015 task too.

Event Timeline

01tonythomas raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
01tonythomas updated the task description. (Show Details)
Qgil set Security to None.
Qgil added a subscriber: violetto.

I don't think this task is a good Google Code-in candidate:

  • It's a tough design problem.
  • Before fixing the design of the dropdown, we probably want to fix the design of the list of newsletters in the first place.

@violetto, do you think this should be a blocker to the deployment in Wikimedia or can it be resolved after?

I'm curious how much effort will it be to just replace the entire box and replace with a dropdown like that:

Screenshot 2016-02-04 14.33.06.png (196×497 px, 17 KB)

While the functionality is not broken, it is an intimidating interface for a simple functionality. If it's a huge task, it can be resolved after. But if not, I think it's a pretty easy win for an inviting interface, especially in a place where you are trying to entice people to look at what is available.

@Qgil I agree with you that fixing the list would be a higher priority. You would want people to look down the list and click that subscribe button!

Removing the button for JS users has improved it a bit now. It would also be quite easy to remove the wrapper around the form and decrease the width of the dropdown so let's do that.

Change 268880 had a related patch set uploaded (by Glaisher):
Special:Newsletters: Make the filter form smaller

Change 268880 merged by jenkins-bot:
Special:Newsletters: Make the filter form smaller

Can we consider this resolved now?

Glaisher triaged this task as Medium priority.Feb 7 2016, 4:30 PM
Glaisher removed a project: Patch-For-Review.
Glaisher claimed this task.