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Translate blocks prefixsearch suggestions for "Special:MovePage/" prefix
Closed, ResolvedPublic


With change, mediawiki will start a prefixsearch for subpage queries of specific special pages, including Special:MovePage. Unfortunately, Translate overwrites the Special:MovePage special page with it's own, without inheriting from MovePageForm class, so the search suggestions for subpages of Special:MovePage in the search bar will not appear.

The easiest fix would be to simply inherit from MovePageForm, instead from SpecialPage.

Event Timeline

Florian raised the priority of this task from to Low.
Florian updated the task description. (Show Details)
Florian subscribed.
Florian set Security to None.

Change 257380 had a related patch set uploaded (by Florianschmidtwelzow):
Inherit SpecialPageTranslationMovePage from MovePageForm

The easiest fix would be to simply inherit from MovePageForm, instead from SpecialPage.

Any consequence on the options to move subpages and create redirects? See T44025: When moving all subpages of a normal page, translatable page is moved but its translation pages are not, T41023: Special:MovePage for translatable pages should provide option to move talk.

Change 257380 merged by jenkins-bot:
Inherit SpecialPageTranslationMovePage from MovePageForm

Nikerabbit claimed this task.
Nikerabbit subscribed.

The bugs you linked seem to affect the regular move page form only.