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More useful help for 'submodule'-type parameters
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Consider the help at

action: Which action to perform.
One of the following values: abusefiltercheckmatch, abusefilterchecksyntax, abusefilterevalexpression, abusefilterunblockautopromote, addstudents, antispoof, block, bouncehandler, centralauthtoken, centralnoticechoicedata, centralnoticequerycampaign, checktoken, cirrus-config-dump, cirrus-mapping-dump, cirrus-settings-dump, cirrus-suggest, clearhasmsg, compare, createaccount, cxconfiguration, cxdelete, cxpublish, cxsave, cxsuggestionlist, cxtoken, delete, deleteeducation, deleteglobalaccount, echomarkread, echomarkseen, edit, editlist, editmassmessagelist, emailuser, enlist, expandtemplates, fancycaptchareload, featuredfeed, feedcontributions, feedrecentchanges, feedwatchlist, filerevert, flagconfig, flow, flow-parsoid-utils, flowthank, globalblock, globaluserrights, graph, help, imagerotate, import, jsonconfig, languagesearch, liststudents, login, logout, managetags, massmessage, mobileview, move, opensearch, options, pagetriageaction, pagetriagelist, pagetriagestats, pagetriagetagging, pagetriagetemplate, paraminfo, parse, parsoid-batch, patrol, protect, purge, query, refresheducation, review, reviewactivity, revisiondelete, rollback, rsd, scribunto-console, setglobalaccountstatus, setnotificationtimestamp, sitematrix, spamblacklist, stabilize, stashedit, strikevote, tag, templatedata, thank, titleblacklist, tokens, transcodereset, ulslocalization, unblock, undelete, upload, userrights, visualeditor, visualeditoredit, watch, wikilove, zeroconfig
Default: help

That would be a lot more user-friendly if it could be displayed in a PARAM_HELP_MSG_PER_VALUE style, with a one-line description extracted from each submodule and with the values linked to the submodule. The "One of the following values" bit could potentially be omitted or collapsed somehow.

Event Timeline

Anomie raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Anomie updated the task description. (Show Details)
Anomie added a project: MediaWiki-Action-API.
Anomie moved this task to Needs details or plan on the MediaWiki-Action-API board.
Anomie subscribed.

Change 360389 had a related patch set uploaded (by Anomie; owner: Anomie):
[mediawiki/core@master] API: Display message-per-value style help for submodule parameters

Change 360389 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/core@master] API: Display message-per-value style help for submodule parameters