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Improve discoverability of MediaWiki API
Open, MediumPublic


Figuring out whether and where MediaWiki API providess what you want is difficult. T75952 mentions discovering the message list and the interwiki list, but this assumes the developer even knows these terms, and the strings "interwiki" and "message" appear all over the help.

Some ideas:

Generated API help

  • T89659: Give action=query higher billing on api main help page
  • T75952: Add more prominent "single page" link to api.php
  • Generated API help could use a TOC and/or collapsible sections, especially with the sprawling single-page recursivesubmodules=1 mode.
    • either change the action and submodule headings (e.g. "prop=pageimages (pi)" to be more informative with a blurb, or when collapsed continue to show the description underneath.
  • Implement an action=help mode that shows a recursive list of actions and submodules with only their titles (h2 heading contents like "prop=pageimages (pi)") and descriptions (api-xxx-description messages).
    • The apihelp-linktrail line that displays e.g. "(main | query | imageusage)" could have a link to this.
  • The possible action, prop, list, and meta values currently display as a long comma-separated list the same as any other parameter value. Instead they could show a blurb/description of what they do, appear as a bulleted list, etc.
  • Implement a specialized search of the generated API help that favors words in the action/submodule description.


Here all you have is dropdown lists for action and query submodule. It needs ways to explore and search the descriptions of API actions and submodules.


Event Timeline

Spage raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Spage updated the task description. (Show Details)
Spage added subscribers: Spage, MZMcBride.
Spage set Security to None.
  • Generated API help could use a TOC and/or collapsible sections, especially with the sprawling single-page recursivesubmodules=1 mode.

TOC was fixed in Gerrit change 209282. Although it currently doesn't show by default.

  • either change the action and submodule headings (e.g. "prop=pageimages (pi)" to be more informative with a blurb, or when collapsed continue to show the description underneath.

Shoving blurbs into section headings seems likely that it'd give you a TOC that was an unreadable wall of text.

  • Implement an action=help mode that shows a recursive list of actions and submodules with only their titles (h2 heading contents like "prop=pageimages (pi)") and descriptions (api-xxx-description messages).

Such a parameter is doable easily enough, but I'd be a bit worried about parameter clutter.

  • The apihelp-linktrail line that displays e.g. "(main | query | imageusage)" could have a link to this.

And UI clutter. Especially since you suggested in T75952#1280673 to add something different to this line already.

  • The possible action, prop, list, and meta values currently display as a long comma-separated list the same as any other parameter value. Instead they could show a blurb/description of what they do, appear as a bulleted list, etc.

That would make for a very long parameter listing. The current comma-separated list is already rather long.

  • Implement a specialized search of the generated API help that favors words in the action/submodule description.

That seems like it's getting outside the scope of the API itself, into the realm of Special:Search.


Here all you have is dropdown lists for action and query submodule. It needs ways to explore and search the descriptions of API actions and submodules.

Not that I think it'll improve your view of it much, but here's the WIP rewrite. "Explore" would probably want some sort of custom oojs-ui widget, while I have no idea about "search" since you'd probably want out-of-context searching going on there.

Spage triaged this task as Medium priority.Jul 28 2015, 5:26 AM

@srishakatux and I were discussing changing the name for to MediaWiki Action API to more accurately reflect the content. Are there any thoughts or alternate suggestions.

@srishakatux and I were discussing changing the name for to MediaWiki Action API to more accurately reflect the content. Are there any thoughts or alternate suggestions.

The redirect exists today. Making another redirect at seems uncontroversial. I'm not sure about moving the content actually outside of the API namespace. Are you hoping for SEO boost in internal search or external? Do we know how wiki redirects are indexed by major search engines if the desire is for external SEO?

I believe it is still our intent to keep it in the API namespace: API: MediaWiki Action API . This is a suggested title -- so any feedback is welcome.

In this case, we weren't discussing SEO as a main driver (internal or external) for the choice, but more about having a title that is a more accurate reflection of the content of the page, one that separates it from the other those covered in the Web APIs Hub.

The API Main Page is currently the top result in a simple Google search for the keyword phrase: "MediaWiki Action API". Whether this will change once the new (more minimal) content is indexed or whether the historical content will play some role in future indexing is hard to know through a casual guess. There is some (disputed) thinking that headings influence search ranking in Google; it's possible that a title that more accurately reflects the content on the page would have a positive effect on external searches. That said -- I don't know specifically how individual external search engines handle headings or content on MediaWiki and don't want to make any claim without the data ;-) If external (or internal) ranking is important, we can make some observations and subtle changes over time to see what works better.

I believe it is still our intent to keep it in the API namespace: API: MediaWiki Action API . This is a suggested title -- so any feedback is welcome.

Renaming to (and leaving a redirect for the old title) seems fine to me. There will be a large number of existing links to clean up to reduce the use of the redirect following the rename. There are pywikibot scripts that can be used to help with this effort.

WDoranWMF added subscribers: EvanProdromou, WDoranWMF.

@EvanProdromou Would this fall under the documentation portal? Should we have a phab initiative for Documentation Portal?

@EvanProdromou Would this fall under the documentation portal? Should we have a phab initiative for Documentation Portal?

[offtopic; might be worth a separate task?] If that's wanted I'd kindly ask you to not make it some team-only subproject but a parent project on its own, as responsibilities might shift while websites might continue to live (even if its project tag name was a preliminary stub like documentation-portal-2020 until you know the domain or such to use as its project tag name instead), and clarify in its project tag description that it's rather about the technology and infrastructure behind and high-level categorization planning but not about specific page-level content, as that might already be covered by Documentation? I might be wrong with the latter, of course. On a related note, the Documentation workboard has a column called "Tools for Technical Documentation" and is pretty well organized these days thanks to Sarah and others. (To explicitly state the obvious, anything related to Documentation content should be tagged Documentation.)

When the developer portal launches in Q4 we should assess what, if any, of the remaining tasks mentioned in this thread are still things we intend to do. The dev portal and api portal both improve discoverability of MediaWiki APIs and docs around how to use them.

@TBurmeister: Proposing to remove Developer-Advocacy as I don't see the team working on this soon. Or even better declining this task - too many different things and ideas in one task. They should be separate tasks under MediaWiki-Action-API && Documentation instead if still wanted.