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CI: test DonationInterface against fundraising/REL1_25
Closed, ResolvedPublic2 Estimated Story Points


Hi Antoine, I was speaking with @thcipriani about this and he said you'd probably be the best person to ask. On the payments cluster we run mediawiki 1.25 with a few extensions (DonationInterface and friends). Occasionally CI will report false positive for regressions in our extensions because of interstitial changes to 1.27. We usually just patch the extensions to support both versions but this gets cumbersome and I worry it might have the potential to hide actual bugs. I was wondering how hard it would be to tell Jenkins to test certain extensions against a different version of core?

Event Timeline

cwdent raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
cwdent updated the task description. (Show Details)
cwdent added subscribers: cwdent, hashar, thcipriani.

Should be doable by using zuul-cloner. The utility clones multiple repositories then checkout branches/patches based on some conventions or an indicated branch to use. Upstream doc:

In mediawiki/core@fundraising/REL1_25 we have the following submodules:

[submodule "extensions/DonationInterface"]
[submodule "extensions/ContributionTracking"]
[submodule "extensions/ParserFunctions"]
[submodule "extensions/DonationEmailUnsubscribe"]
[submodule "extensions/cldr"]
[submodule "skins/Vector"]
[submodule "vendor"]

So at first I guess we will want a job that runs whenever a patch is proposed for mediawiki/core@fundraising/REL1_25 which will process submodules then run the extensions tests.

Second, to catch issues before the submodule bumps is proposed, we will want a job that run on all those extensions against whatever branch you use. Given an extension is developed on master, zuul-cloner automatically match mediawiki/core @ master, when I guess you will want fundraising/REL1_25.

The branch can be overridden in zuul-cloner on a per project basis, the syntax would be: --project-branch mediawiki/core=fundraising/REL1_25.

The command line would then be something like:

  --branch master
  --project-branch mediawiki/core=fundraising/REL1_25

The job would be triggered on changes proposed to master branches of all the repositories (except mediawiki/core). It will then clone:

  • the repo that triggered the change checked out to the patch
  • the master branches of the other repos
  • fundraising/REL1_25 branch of mediawiki/core

Change 266653 had a related patch set uploaded (by Cdentinger):
WIP: Adds DonationInterface test against mediawiki 1.25

@hashar this is very preliminary but the above edits seem to produce more or less the Jenkins job that I think we need. Please advise/correct, whatever you have time for!

@cwdent that looks awesome! Will follow up on the Gerrit change.

@hashar thank you! I really appreciate the help. I made those couple edits as well as some other cleanup. I also got the Jenkins API stuff set up so if you are OK with it I will start updating the job and testing.

@hashar Ok, the latest PS passes:

I used --branch fundraising/REL1_25 which pulls the correct thing for core and core/vendor, the two repos where we are pinned to substantially different revisions than master. Then I used --project-branch to set DonationInterface to master, what we want to test.

One problem (that I know of) remains, and I'm wondering if it has to do with selecting branches in a different way than the other jobs. If the build fails for any reason, the next build will fail with these errors:

23:22:23 INFO:zuul.Cloner:Creating repo mediawiki/core from upstream
23:22:23 DEBUG:zuul.Repo:Cloning from to src
23:22:23 ERROR:zuul.Repo:Unable to initialize repo for
23:22:23 Traceback (most recent call last):
23:22:23   File "/usr/share/python/zuul/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/zuul/merger/", line 53, in __init__
23:22:23     self._ensure_cloned()
23:22:23   File "/usr/share/python/zuul/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/zuul/merger/", line 65, in _ensure_cloned
23:22:23     git.Repo.clone_from(self.remote_url, self.local_path)
23:22:23   File "/usr/share/python/zuul/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/git/repo/", line 849, in clone_from
23:22:23     return cls._clone(Git(os.getcwd()), url, to_path, GitCmdObjectDB, progress, **kwargs)
23:22:23   File "/usr/share/python/zuul/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/git/repo/", line 800, in _clone
23:22:23     finalize_process(proc)
23:22:23   File "/usr/share/python/zuul/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/git/", line 154, in finalize_process
23:22:23     proc.wait()
23:22:23   File "/usr/share/python/zuul/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/git/", line 309, in wait
23:22:23     raise GitCommandError(self.args, status,
23:22:23 GitCommandError: 'git clone -v src' returned with exit code 128
23:22:23 stderr: 'fatal: destination path 'src' already exists and is not an empty directory.
23:22:23 '

That will happen until the src dir is removed by hand. My understanding is the job should re-use that dir to avoid wasting time with fresh clones, so I don't understand why that directory being present causes a problem. I was considering making a publisher to rm -rf, but wanted to check with you first in case there is a known issue.

Change 267690 had a related patch set uploaded (by Cdentinger):
WIP add new DonationInterface test to layout.yaml

@hashar I just pushed up my first guess at what the changes to layout.yaml should look like:

Change 266653 merged by jenkins-bot:
Adds DonationInterface test against mediawiki 1.25

Change 267690 merged by jenkins-bot:
add new DI test to experimental pipeline

Change 268021 had a related patch set uploaded (by Cdentinger):
Make new DI job live, set old one to non-voting

Change 268021 merged by jenkins-bot:
Make new DI job live, set old one to non-voting