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[PAB3] Specifications for lang detection on Portal
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Build an A/B test that will test a feature which detects the user's language and re-sorts the links around the globe on the Wikipedia portal in line with their preferred language settings.

If they do not have as many language preferences as there are available links to display, fill the remainder links around the globe with the "top" links that are not in their language preferences.

If they do not have a header (lang pref) or we cannot retrieve it, do a full stop and give them the default experience.

We also want to count how many users go directly to the search box.

Logic should look like the following:

  • 1 in 200 people are included in EventLogging
  • Of those 1 in 200 people, 1 in 10 are included in the test
  • Of those 10 people, 5 go in a test group, with the cohort "language-detection-b", and 5 go in a control group, with the cohort name "language-detection-a"
  • The other chunk of the 200 people gets a NULL (the string null, or the MySQL null, we can detect either).

Event Timeline

debt claimed this task.
debt raised the priority of this task from to High.
debt updated the task description. (Show Details)
debt added subscribers: Deskana, Aklapper, Ironholds and 2 others.
debt set Security to None.
debt updated the task description. (Show Details)
debt renamed this task from [PAB2] Specifications for lang detection on Portal to [PAB3] Specifications for lang detection on Portal.Jan 20 2016, 8:28 PM

This was added to the Discovery-Analysis (Current work) because it needs review from @Ironholds as the primary analyst for the Wikipedia portal work.

Hi @Ironholds,

Thanks for the review - I'll go ahead and close this as good. Please let me know if other changes need to be made! We'll move forward with coding. :)



debt moved this task from Backlog to Done on the Discovery-Analysis (Current work) board.

@Jdrewniak which JS file(s) have the sampling and condition-assigning logic? Just want to verify a few things.

@mpopov the code for bucketing users into test groups for event-logging is in this file
The getTestGroup() function does all that work.