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Do not set Bot._site to None if we already have a site object
Closed, ResolvedPublic


replace.ReplaceRobot always needs a site argument. This is due to the ReplaceRobot's constructor in is called positional and not as keywords argument. This leads to template.TemplateRobot resets to None when the constructor calls the ReplaceRobot.init.


>>> import pwb, pywikibot as py
>>> site = py.Site()
>>> from scripts.template import TemplateRobot
>>> bot = TemplateRobot(iter([]), {}, **{})  # call the bot without site argument
WARNING: was not set before being retrieved.
WARNING: Using the default site: wikipedia:de
# the bot._site has been set
WARNING: was not set before being retrieved.
WARNING: Using the default site: wikipedia:de
# but it was lost immediately

try it with site argument:

>>> del bot
>>> bot = TemplateRobot(iter([]), {}, site=site, **{})
# looks good here
WARNING: was not set before being retrieved.
WARNING: Using the default site: wikipedia:de
# but it fails again

Event Timeline

Xqt claimed this task.
Xqt raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Xqt updated the task description. (Show Details)
Xqt subscribed.
Xqt set Security to None.

Change 266994 had a related patch set uploaded (by Xqt):
[bugfix] Don't reset Bot._site to None if we have already a site object

Xqt renamed this task from Do not set Bot._site to None if we already a site object to Do not set Bot._site to None if we already have a site object.Jan 28 2016, 9:25 AM

Change 266998 had a related patch set uploaded (by Xqt):
[BREAK][bugfix] Bot class arguments for constructor

Change 266998 merged by jenkins-bot:
[bugfix] Bot class arguments for constructor

Change 266994 merged by jenkins-bot:
[pywikibot/core@master] [bugfix] Don't reset Bot._site to None if we have already a site object

The same issue seems to appear with Command line:

python scripts/ 'FireHouse 02.jpg' -lang:it -family:wikipedia -summary:"Cancellazione di massa di file sospetti"

WARNING: family and mylang are not set.
Defaulting to family='test' and mylang='test'.
WARNING: /Users/ruthven/Development/core_stable/pywikibot/data/ UserWarning: Unexpected overlap between action and query submodules: frozenset([u'globalpreferences', u'readinglists'])
WARNING: was not set before being retrieved.
WARNING: Using the default site: wikipedia:it

The same issue seems to appear with Command line:

python scripts/ 'FireHouse 02.jpg' -lang:it -family:wikipedia -summary:"Cancellazione di massa di file sospetti"

Seems your bot is outdated. This Userwarning is no longer in The bot works for me:

C:\pwb\GIT\core> image Kellerskreuz.jpg -simulate -lang:de -family:wikipedia
family and mylang are not set.
Defaulting to family='test' and mylang='test'.
Retrieving 3 pages from wikipedia:de.
No changes were necessary in [[Steinkreuz]]